It should not and never be just musical wallpaper, and that is what a master craftsman like Howard Blake can do. So, in the rather unlikely event of someone asking me, "Why do you LIKE film music?" I would refer them to this film and this precise 20 seconds, and say. "That is ...
Klooks was like an old Victorian drawing room, some 20 metres square and unlike other venues had no stage at all. The floor was carpeted, the walls curtained in red velvet and covered in flock wallpaper, all making for very good acoustics. There were no mixing desks, lighting rigs, sou...
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the real estate mogul Goldman took note of the creativity of area’s graffiti muralists. They were illegally using the sides of Wynwood warehouses to showcase their art. Goldman decided to give them legal wall space for their work. And, so, Wynwood Walls were born. More recently, another ...
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