* downtempo: a slow, moody, or decreased tempo or played or done in such a tempo. It also refers to a genre of electronic music based on this (downtempo). * drammatico: dramatically * drop: jazz term referring to a note that slides to an indefinite pitch chromatically downwards. * Dur...
The term is known as early as 1520. Electric Viola da Gamba | more... one of the most exciting extensions of this remarkable family of bowed stringed instruments, the Ruby Electric Viola da Gamba is a seven-string bass viol. 3 Plucked Strings | Guitar | more ...sounds an octave ...
Also known as a luftpause, it is a symbol used in musical notation. It directs the performer of the music passage to take a breath or to make a slight pause. This pause is normally intended to shorten the duration of the preceding note and not the tempo; in this function, it can be...
Description:In music, it is a term to mark the speed of tempo. (1) Alto Meaning:Elevated, high Origin:Latin Pronunciation:AHL-TO Variations:Alta Description:In music, Alto refers to the lower female voice or a male falsetto of a similar range. (1) ...
The five-minute opening teaser is built around Cymande’s prog-funk masterpiece “Dove” (the band took their name from a calypso term for ‘dove’), subtly edited down to around half its original length. The song’s introduction plays like a slowed-down, spaced-out homage to Santana’s...
It was in some ways the most conventional work in the programme, in three movements (the others were in seven or eight) and the only one to use classical sonata form. Christopher Palmer's 1991 programme note used the term Mozartian, but the composers who came to mind were Rachmaninov and...
(see Williams,2015, for a discussion). The term “imagery” ties INMI to a distinct tradition of research on mental imagery (Finke,1989; Kosslyn,1980), and distances it somewhat from the related area of involuntary memory research (Mace,2007) by emphasizing the active construction of musical...
These results suggest that the local–global processing scheme depends on the complexity of the melodic contour, and that long-term musical training induces a prominent perceptual reorganization that reshapes its initial global dominance to favour local information processing. This latter result supports ...
The number of beats per minute is one way to measure the tempo of a song. Performing a cross-correlation computation within the calculated irregular number of beats within a minute associated with the detected acoustic signal is based on the rhythmic sequence having the highest trance-inducing ...
These references suggest the long-term relevance of an alternative and informed concept of a music applied to MTI. 3. Musical Interaction Research and Design: A Conceptual Framework with Five Enabling Dimensions The complex ecology of the Common Practice Period constituted a system of references, ...