It also refers to a genre of electronic music based on this (downtempo). * drammatico: dramatically * drop: jazz term referring to a note that slides to an indefinite pitch chromatically downwards. * Dur (Ger): major; used in key signatures as, for example, A-Dur (A major), B-Dur...
The term is known as early as 1520. Electric Viola da Gamba | more... one of the most exciting extensions of this remarkable family of bowed stringed instruments, the Ruby Electric Viola da Gamba is a seven-string bass viol. 3 Plucked Strings | Guitar | more ...sounds an octave ...
A generic term used to designate the leader of a band. Although this term can be applied to any person that leads a band, it is most often associated with the leader of a military band, concert band symphonic band, or marching band. The bandmaster is generally the director or conductor ...
are maintained, or terminate; such investigations are typically made possible through experimental manipulations. A further step is taken in studies of individual differences, which attempt to reveal systematic differences in the phenomenology or dynamics of INMI between people. The fourth included ...
The second part shows the woman coming to the end of her life. The dynamics of life follow a more elegiac and conciliatory mood. Now with gray hair the couple dance reaffirming their affection and there is a reconciliation with the girlfriend. Death occurs quite suddenly at the desk where ...
The latter is today intuitively assumed to have originated as a transfer from the psychological to the social, so it is “group psychology”: “Fleck explicitly invokes the dynamics of group psychology in accounting for the exchanges within thought collectives: Lively exchange of ideas elicits a ...
In music, “portamento” is a term that’s been used for hundreds of years, referring to the effect of gliding a note at one pitch into a note of a lower or higher pitch. But only instruments that can continuously vary in pitch — such as the human voice, string instruments, and trom...
Another stimulus-related property that is manipulated by the presentation order of stimuli is memorability, referring to the ease to keep an item in short-term memory. Behavioral measures of a short-term memory task have shown increased accuracy rates when auditory-verbal information is presented com...
These vintage Altec loudspeakers possess a grand sense of expansiveness, scale, effortless dynamics, vivid presence, and tonal naturalness that makes for immensely satisfying fatigue-free listening sessions. These performance attributes combine to deliver a deep view into the musicality and artistic aspect...
between parameters. That prodded me to investigate one I had occasionally come across in my reading and in dis- cussion: the term ’musical gesture.’ Whenever I encountered the term, I figured out some meaning for it that, at least in the context, fit. Having ...