Ostinato:a repeated pattern of notes or rhythms that forms a foundation or accompaniment for a musical piece. The term comes from the Italian word "ostinare," meaning " persist." The pattern can be simple or complex and can be found in both melody and ac...
Meaning wide, broad. In music a tempo marking meaning to be performed quite slowly. Major This refers to a specific chord or key. A. When it refers to a chord, then the chord has three musical pitches with the space between the first and second pitches being four half steps, and the ...
well known that Dahlhaus took issue with Lorenz's application of this concept; while Lorenz's periods may run anywhere from thirty measures to three hundred, Dahlhaus argued that Wagner used the term "period" in its generally accepted sense of a relatively short, tonally closed musical passage....
A term meaning “backward” or “the series is sounded in reverse order.” Retrograde reverses the order of the motive’s pitches: what was the first pitch becomes the last, and vice versa. Measure 2 indicates Retrograde. Riff A prominent feature in pop and jazz compositions, a riff is a...
In a major or minor scale, the distance of this interval lies eight steps* away, hence the term “octave.” (*in the major or minor scales, the eight steps are actually a combination of “whole steps” and “half-steps”) Opus (Latin) Meaning work. Work numbers are usually assigned ...
Larghetto - Larghetto is a diminutive form of Largo (Italian: broad, wide, large) usually a direction of tempo, meaning slow. Larghetto is slowish, not as slow as Largo. Largamente - broadly and consequently slowly. Largo-Largo (Italian: broad, wide, large and consequently slow) is used ...
The word “audio” is used to refer to the sound qualities of a recording or live music performance. Aside from the pitch and rhythm of the music being played, there are also many factors which fall under the term “audio”, such as the balance of audio frequencies present, the way audi...
The script builds a vibrating anticipation. The audience has little information. FilmmakerPaul Duaneslowly reveals our protagonists’ what, but the why remains a mystery. Based on dark Irish lore passed down through the maternal lineage and some ancient cursed story, the song drips with agony, eve...
Definition:The Italian musical commandsmorzando(often abbreviatedsmorz.) is an indication to gradually slow down and soften the notes until nothing is heard; adiminuendothat fades very slowly, often accompanied by a very gradualritardando. Not to be confused withsforzando (sfz). ...
“Hi, I’m Ratana. In the Asian culture, the word Ratana has many meanings: it is a precious gem or term of respect in Hindi and a diamond or crystal in Thai. And, as the name implies, I am multi-faceted in my talents and interests. Here’s why: I grew up singing, loving mus...