读音:美英 musical scale基本解释 音阶 分词解释 musical音乐的,用于音乐的 scale规模 musical scale是什么意思 musical scale怎么读 musical scale在线翻译 musical scale中文意思 musical scale的解释 musical scale的发音 musical scale意思是什么 musical scale怎么翻译 musical scale的中文翻译 musical scale的意思翻译 mu...
scale n. 1.[C]鳞;鳞片 2.[C]鳞状物;(尤指皮肤的)鳞屑. 3.[U] 水锈,水垢;牙垢. 4.[C]标度;刻度有刻度的量具 5.[C]量度制;进位制 6.[C]等级;级别 7 music stand n. 乐谱架 music stool n. 弹钢琴用椅子 music streaming 即时播放音乐的 scale(pan) 天平盘 fish( )scale 鳞斑,鳞状...
A primary characteristic of Eastern music is the originality of the instrumentation and of themusical scale.───东方音乐的首要特色就是乐器与音阶的原创力。 Step 4: Repeat step three with the other four bottles until you have made a six stepmusical scale.───步骤四:对剩下的四个瓶子重复步骤...
musical composition,musical instrument,musical notation,musical note,musical performance,musical scale,musicale,musicality,musicalize,musically, 英汉-汉英词典 n. 近义、反义、联想词 近义词 n. musical notation 用户正在搜索 diplomas,diplomat,diplomata,diplomate,diplomatese,diplomatic,diplomatic corps,diplomatic im...
musical scale 单词musical scale 释义musical scale 音阶
musical scale- (music) a series of notes differing in pitch according to a specific scheme (usually within an octave) scale musical notation- (music) notation used by musicians gamut- the entire scale of musical notes diatonic scale- a scale with eight notes in an octave; all but two are...
musical scale 美 英 un.乐律 网络音阶;音阶练习 英汉 网络释义 un. 1. 乐律 释义: 全部,乐律,音阶,音阶练习
“Why can’t I convince you two that this musical scale isn’t totally correct?” """Perché non riesco a farvi capire che la scala musicale non è corretta?”" Literature Her octaves followed scales that weren’t the traditional musical scales. Le sue ottave seguivano scale che non...