音乐-节奏智力(musical-rhythmic intelligence)。是指感受、辨别、记忆、改变和表达音乐的能力,具体表现为个人对音乐美感反应出的包含节奏、音准、音色和旋律在内的感知度,以及通过作曲、演奏和歌唱等表达音乐的能力。这种智力在作曲家、___、歌唱家、___、乐器制造者和乐器调音师身上有比较突出的表现,例如音乐天才__...
motivation 动机 Musical-rhythmic intelligence 音乐智能 Naturalist intelligence 自然智能 ... www.blog.edu.cn|基于121个网页 2. 节奏智能 音乐—节奏智能(Musical-Rhythmic Intelligence)音乐能力既可独立成长,又能有效提升其它多元智能。逻辑—数理智能 (Logi…andysfe.com|基于27个网页 3. 节奏智力 ...spatial ...
musical-rhythmic intelligence 读音:美英 musical-rhythmic intelligence基本解释 音乐智能 分词解释 intelligence智力
Musical-rhythmic intelligence or intelligence of tone, rhythm and timbre is one of the eight types of intelligence Howard Gardner initially described (1981) in his theory of multiple intelligences. Like other types of intelligence, musical rhythmic intelligence can be dominant in some students. ...
Those with high musical intelligence learn well by using rhythm or music, enjoy listening to and/or creating music, enjoy rhythmic poetry and may study better with music in the background. As a teacher, you can enhance and strengthen the musical intelligence of your students by: ...
Define electronic musical instrument. electronic musical instrument synonyms, electronic musical instrument pronunciation, electronic musical instrument translation, English dictionary definition of electronic musical instrument. Noun 1. electronic music
(pianissimo, piano, mezzopiano, mezzoforte, forte, fortissimo) that does not have absolute meaning. In the most widespread system of rhythmic duration, sounds are in a 1:2 relationship (quarter notes being half as long as half notes and half notes half as long as whole notes). The timbre...
All stimuli were 30 seconds long, non-vocal, and in 4/4 time, but differed in their rhythmic complexity, pulse clarity, and tempo. As described for Dataset-1, the participants were directed to move freely to the music. Figure 8 Dataset-2: Anterior view of the location of the markers ...
The Russianzvony(“chimes”) are sets of stationary bells rung by pulling ropes attached to clappers. They date from the 9th century but are rarely heard today. Thezvonplays repetitious rhythmic patterns that form a part of the liturgy of theOrthodox Church.See alsobell;carillon;change ringing...
Gardner’s Musical Intelligence Gardner understood that children are innately musical, and also that creativity can be nurtured and taught. To a larger extent, using music as a means of expression not only helps develop the child psychologically and internally as a whole human being,...