In order to better understand how the interaction between cultures unites at basic points, how it becomes an integral part of their lives, how it affects traditions and music, important points in history must be known. This study aims to examine the Anatolian influence on...
Specifically, 60 pictures were presented within the musical timeline, equally divided across musical tension, neutral, and tension release periods. As a memory formation baseline, 20 pictures were displayed in the absence of music (between musical pieces; silence condition). In order to counterbalance...
A single voice extracted from the scores of compositions from the Baroque, Classical, Romantic, and Contemporary periods has been studied in order to determine the feasibility of the determination of musical meter by computer. The method of autocorrelation is appropriate for this calculation since it...
The combination of both mids and highs being exaggerated on a graph in an uphill climb of 2-3db vs a slight downhill 2-3 db decline and adding 2nd/3rd harmonic distortion is what most people identify with, as pleasant to listen to over LONG periods. The exact opposite of most 10...
This natural sign also acts once, like flats and sharps near notes in keys without alteration. Designation of Rests and Their Duration Musical compositions are not composed of continuous sounds; rather, they alternate between sounds and silence. To indicate the periods of silence, rests are used...
When the foreperiod is variable within a block, reaction times are faster for longer foreperiods. On the other hand, when the foreperiod is kept constant within a block and greater than 70 ms, the effect is reversed in that reaction times are faster for shorter foreperiods (Bertelson and ...
A natural extension of this study would be to repeat the same analyses using music from different genres and combining the results in order to draw more statistically powerful and reliable inferences. However, it is important to note that, in naturalistic paradigm, it is vital that the stimulus...
aWe will focus on periods of change in our musical heritage, changes that generally result from a desire for greater emotional content or a renewed interest in musical structure or order. Such periods include the outburst of romanticism in the early 19th Century when the music of Chopin, ...
Music that is pleasing or puzzling to the eye, regardless of how it sounds to the ear. In some cases, the music may make no sense to the ear but has a secret puzzle or message when visually analyzed. This music was most common in the Middle Ages and Renaissance periods. ...
Dresden also is home to several important art collections, world-famous musical ensembles and significant buildings from various architectural periods, many of which were rebuilt after the destruction of the Second World War. 德累斯顿还拥有许多重要的艺术藏品、世界闻名的交响乐团,音乐合唱团和各个时期、...