Dallas TX 1929 Hoseus, Henry Brooklyn NY circa 1886 Hospe, Anton Omaha NE c1890-1930 Houdlett, Emil Brooklyn NY 1924 Houdlett & Sons, Albert Brooklyn NY 1865-1930 Hoverick Bro. New York NY c1920s Hovey, W.P. Howard, Eugene Cincinnati OH c1896-1925 Howard, Norman Yonkers NY 1906 Ho...
Henry, Richard Allan (Dallas, TX, US) Application Number: 13/371713 Publication Date: 07/23/2013 Filing Date: 02/13/2012 Export Citation: Click for automatic bibliography generation Assignee: HENRY RICHARD ALLAN Primary Class: 248/441.1
From the vibrating edge of the musical saw to the electromagnetic fields of the theremin, you will find information, soundfiles, links, and more to explore these two different, yet in some ways similar, musical instruments.