Musical instrumentdoi:US1330078 AKent, Reese BUSUS1322795 * 1919年2月26日 1919年11月25日 Musical instrument
Between volumes we get flash forwards where the characters talk about Dai and how they enjoyed meeting him. Usually I wouldn’t appreciate these fast forwards because they’re like spoilers to what is going to happen but since this is a non action series I can let it slide. It’s not as...
simple musical instrument construction, merriment and a message of hope to generations of youths at inner-city parks” in the Albany area for 39 years (“Look to the People,”“The Turning of the World,”“Under One Sky”),
This invention relates to electrical musical instruments and more particularly to electrical instruments of the keyboard type for producing effects similar to a pipe organ. One of the objects of the invention is to provide an instrument having substantial flexibility of control to produce......
The invention is a tremolo device for adjusting the string tension in a stringed musical instrument including a body having an upper surface, a neck portion, a tuning head having a series of tuning devices, a multiplicity of strings each anchored at a first end to a respective one of the ...
Vibrating bar type musical instrument having strikersLarry, KentNorum, Thomas W.