D&D dice designer and Reddit user FallacyDog designed a set of musical metal Dungeons and Dragons dice, each with a unique pitch when rolled It’s no surprise that fans ofDungeons and Dragonsoften have other equally potent passions. Sometimes, when theDnD godsallow, the stars align, and these...
The mobility of the instrument compensates for this behavioral limitation. Multimodal Technol. Interact. 2020, 4, x FOR PEER REVIEW 15 of 22 FigFuigruer5e.5D. DJ Jininsstrtruummeenntt ppllaayyeeddbbyyggreryeypaprarorrtoPtaPualiu. li. S7.i5n.cTeutbheeInpsatrrurmotesntwere already familiar...
Descriptive statistics for the musical training variables are presented in Table 5, which include the minimum age at which participants began music training, the total years of musical training on participants' primary instrument, the number of years since music training, and the self-reported ...
We have shown that some projects lack an animal-centered perspective, and many of the participating animals do not voluntarily intend to generate music by interacting with the provided interface or instrument. Additionally, many animals have been specifically trained or conditioned in order to perform...