Starring Judy Garland alongside Angela Lansbury and Ray Bolger, The Harvey Girls brings romance and music to the Old West when a group of waitresses arrives in a small Kansas town to open up Fred Harvey's restaurant chain. With spirited performances from its talented cast, coupled with catch...
In the heart-thumping movie Footloose, city teen Ren McCormack, portrayed by Kevin Bacon, finds himself in a tight spot in a small Midwestern town where dancing and rock music have been banned. Reverend Shaw Moore (John Lithgow), the town's spiritual guide and law enforcer, stands as his...
Featured Newest Featured products All products Newest products All products B.A.C. Musical Instruments 1219 Lydia Avenue Kansas City, Missouri 64106 (816) 945-9133
Kansas City, Missouri, Stati Uniti(location) Vedi altri crediti dell’azienda su IMDbPro Botteghino Modifica Budget 4.000 USD (previsto) Vedi le informazioni dettagliate del botteghino su IMDbPro Specifiche tecniche Modifica Tempo di esecuzione ...
From London's West End to New York City's Broadway, from iconic theater venues to local community centers, musicals and plays have become an integral part of America's cultural fabric. You can re-watch history in To Kill a Mockingbird or you can jump into fantasy with Mamma Mia! Theater...
Before heading out for a day of touring have breakfast at the Arcade Restaurant on the corner of South Main and G. E. Patterson. Not only is this the oldest restaurant in the city, it was also one of Elvis’s favorites, and you can still sit in his booth. The diner has a real no...
Posted in Music, News | Tagged 2010s, 2012, Barry Manilow, Concert, Kansas, Kansas City, Las Vegas, Live, Manilow, ManilowTV, Michael Cavacini, Missouri, Music, Musical, News, One Voice, Paris, Streaming | Leave a reply Melissa Manchester Signs With Green Hill Productions Posted on Augus...
Different styles ofjazz developed in different cities, such asNew Orleans, Chicago,New York and Kansas City.The 1950s saw the development of an explosive new music style: rock 'n' roll.Performers like Elvis Presley and songs like Bill Haley's "Rock Around the Clock" maderock music widely ...
KANSAS CITY, Mo. — Sonia Sotomayor has earned a prominent spot in the nation’s legal pantheon, becoming the nation’s first Latina Supreme Court justice, voting to legalize same-sex marriage and speaking for the nation’s aggrieved liberals in a sharp dissent to the decision ov...
Shakira with Amr Diab's performance brought the East and West in a unique musical harmony at the Yas Arena. Shakira and Amr Diab entertain full house of fans at the Yas Arena KANSAS CITY -- The new, original musical Harmony, Kansas, with music by Anna K. New York gives KC playwright ...