Emerging from the 1970s London punk scene, Billy Idol, born as William Michael Albert Broad, has carved a niche for himself in the music world with his iconic sneer, spiked hair, and rebellious attitude. Initially gaining fame as a member of the punk band Generation X, Idol went on...
Previously, Janet worked atfor ten years, rising through the ranks to become the Senior Vice President of Production, East Coast. During this time she established an outstanding track record initiating the careers of many emerging filmmakers, including, for whom she developed his feature debut,. ...
Whenever you're in the mood for a great day at the beach, look no further than The Beach Boys. Formed in Hawthorne, California, in 1961, the group's original lineup consisted of brothers Brian, Dennis, and Carl Wilson, their cousin Mike Love, and their friend, Al Jardine. Getty ...
The experience of sensations such as anxiety and dread can be found while carving snow trails; this same energy can be converted later on in the instrument into powerful combinations or beats. 4. Capture the Silence Between Sounds Snow bikers have to be cautious of noise pollution, and that i...
The outcome of DIY music technologists’ tinkering can often be considered a kind of “experimental music.” The outcomes vary by participants’ interests in conforming (or not) to any existing genres, so that people who already play rock music tend to incorporate their experimental instruments int...
BIT20 Ensemble from Bergen performs several compositions emerging from Luna Composition Lab, written by American composers aged between 15 and 20. The program also includesEnthusiasm Strategies, written by Mazzoli for the Kronos Quartet and their Fifty for the Future project, andShaker Loopsby John ...
The first of a new six-program series featuring the world premieres of all six new works Copland House commissioned for its CULTIVATE 2020 emerging composers institute. This week: Machine Learning by New York-based composer-pianist Will Healy. View here. 7 pm ET: Buffalo Philharmonic Orchestra ...
military-derivedsnare drum(side drum) during the 19th. A musician playing tabla. Drums figure prominently in the 21st century in numerous musicalgenresaround the world. The worddrumis sometimes used for nonmembrane struck instruments, such assteel drums, bronze drums, andslit drums(made of ...
Looking to move beyond Harry Potter, Radcliffe sought out roles in a variety ofgenresand frequently embraced unconventional or ambitious projects. His other film credits included the Australian coming-of-ageDecember Boys(2007);What If(2013), aromanticcomedy;Kill Your Darlings(2013), in which he po...
Gig Posters: Rock Art for the 21st Century - 2012 Wall CalendarGig Posters: Rock Art for the 21st Century - 2012 Wall Calendar by GigPosters.com, Tara McPherson, Jay Ryan, Justin Hampton, Aesthetic Apparatus, Michael Michael Motorcycle 58 days in the top 100 ...GigPosters.com...