Mustafa, a Palestinian writer and director, has published novels and plays, directed 25 plays for children and adults, and created numerous documentaries. He has collaborated with various international channels, won 25 awards, and served as a jury member in many film festivals. Hana Eleiwa –“N...
BEAUTIFUL: THE CAROLE KING MUSICALopens atCenter for the Artson Friday, November 7 and continues weekends through Sunday, November 24. Friday and Saturday evening performances are at 7:30p.m. Saturday and Sunday matinees are at 2p.m. Tickets are $22 for Adults ($20 for Seniors/Military/Stu...
The Czech workshop is focused on individual singing, with classes ranging from vocal technique to improvisation to stage presence. “We ask people to bring two or three songs and then choose to work on one during the week,” Halpern says. “It has to have some kind of story. A lot of ...
Take online classes, attend workshops, and experiment with your own tunes. 2. Building Your Collection Gather your best work. Make music with friends or local musicians and showcase your skills. A great portfolio will impress potential clients or employers. 3. Building Connections This is crucial...
is incredible. I remember when I first started to dabble in composition, my friends told me that the scores I write reminds them of film score. It wasn’t until grad school that I learned who Ola was, had the pleasure of emailing him (and Morten Lauridsen) for some of my classes. ...
Additionally,Katiebrought Waldorf education (Rudolf Steiner’s schools) and the Unitarian Universalist (UU) community into our family’s life. Because of her influence and connections, I was hired to accompany the Eurythmy movement program classes for one year, in 1987, at the newly createdMonadnoc...
In Gretchen’s case, she says, “I was taking myself more seriously as an artist at that time — it was the beginning of that for me. I finally was out of an extended adolescence and I felt like an adult with some agency in my life. I was doing things that young adults do, inst...
It was relevant too, since our school has five classes that make up the autism program that Emma and Hayden are in. Our kids have a lot of contact with the general ed classes because the school has been so great about incorporating socialization. Us moms never really know how it is for...
Old Americans are separating into two classes. Retirement can be either heaven or hell. “I do believe on the whole the retirees(退休者)of tomorrow will be wealthier and healthier than the same group of 30 years of age.” says Robert Friedland, director of the National Academy on Ageing, ...
An evaluation of the achievement in reading and arithmetic of pupils in elementary school instrumental music classes (Doctoral dissertation New York University, School of Education (1959) Google Scholar Friese et al., 2017 M. Friese, J. Frankenbach, V. Job, D.D. Loschelder Does self-control ...