Marlow brought his idea to classmateLucy Moss, who agreed to help bring his vision of a Tudor-themed pop musical to life. The product of the pair’s collaboration—Six, a modern reimagining of the lives of Henry VIII’ssix wives—premiered on London’sWest Endin 2019...
piece musically portrays Katherine of Aragon's humility and frustration, Anne Boleyn's defiance and fear, Jane Seymour's excitement for motherhood, Anne of Cleves's playfulness and lack of emotional attachment to her marriage, and Katherine Howard's regret and sorrow for being taken by Henry. Fu...
one of the most catchy numbers belongs to The Killer, in which he sings about his murderous penchant. Jaan’s song made me guffaw more than once. (Think an even more insane version of “Always Look On The Bright Side Of Life.”) ...
Cat On a Hot Tin Roofat Theatr Clywd) as Miss Gulch/Wicked Witch; Jonathan Broadbent (The Tempest, RSC;Hamlet, Rose Theatre) as Zeke/Lion;Ryan Ellsworth(Henry V, Regent’s Park Open Air Theatre;Antigone, The
She blogs about Chicago theater, multicultural events and live concerts. She also hosts giveaways and seeks out products and places of interest to tweens. Consider her the authority on the offbeat, alternative and eco friendly. TOP 10 Mom Bloggers To Review Your Products (Nationwide)--ChiIL ...