Music To My Hair Salon was created by Artists for Artists. Art is our passion. Music is our soul. Education is our priority. We seek to inspire and nurture our clients, our people, and our community.
Celebrities definitely seem to be starting all the latest trends with fashion, hair and all that jazz. 名人们显然是从时尚、发型和爵士乐开始了所有的最新潮流。 8. MUSIC TO MY EARS 8.好消息 When you hear exactly what you wanted to hear. ...
Celebrities definitely seem to be starting all the latest trends with fashion, hair and all that jazz. 名人们显然是从时尚、发型和爵士乐开始了所有的最新潮流。 8. MUSIC TO MY EARS 8.好消息 When you hear exactly what you wanted to hear. 当你确切地听到你想听到的。 When they read out the ...
Moje Mohat (The wave of your hair): Directed by Alin Bagheri. With Alin Bagheri, Olin Zhao. "The Wave of Your Hair" is a piece of touching music about a gentleman's affectionate, subtle and delicate love that resonated with all listeners. Alin didn't lik
Close to you 靠近你 On the day that you were born 在你出生的那一天 The angels got together 天使们聚集在一起 And decided to create a dream come true 决定创造一个成真的美梦 So they sprinkled moon dust 所以他们喷洒月亮的纤尘 In your hair of gold ...
To make you change your mind 或许这会使你的想法改变 Have you seen the old girl 你可曾在伦敦街头 Who walks the streets of London 见过一位踽踽独行的老妇人 Dirt in her hair and her clothes in rags 她蓬头垢面衣不蔽体 ...
其实,从字面意思也很容易理解,“Bad hair day”,一天头发都乱七八糟的,意思就是:心烦意乱;不顺利的一天。 例句: All this fuss is because Carol is having a bad hair day. 所有这些乱七八糟的事情都源于凯若今天很不顺利。 Don't push your luck≠别逼迫你的运气 ...
til you give me applause 我们会一直继续,直到你承认我很棒 And Im like...我就是这样 When I get in them drawers 我们亲热时 Get your hair in tangles 你的发丝凌乱 I wrap it on my ankles 缠绕着我的脚踝 Im grippin on your handles 我紧紧抱着你 Im gettin on different angles ...
Put your make up on化好妆容Get your nails done涂满指甲Curl your hair盘起长发Run the extra mile再跑一英里Keep it slim so they like you,保持苗条他们才会喜欢你do they like you?他们喜欢你吗?Get your sexy on展示你的性感Don't be shy...