Music Theory Music Theory helps students gain an understanding of how music works. By learning this training, it shall help the student as they progress through th... Read More Voice Training This training focuses on enhancing student’s singing techniques, how to care for and develop their voi...
Music Theory is the language of music and is knowledge that every musician should have. Visit us for free, clear & reliable video lessons in music theory.
No prior theory knowledge is needed. 描述 ✨Welcome to the Musical Warp Drive✨ Part 1: Fundamentals, Mind & EarThis course will lead you through the abyss of music theory into a new world of understanding, creativity, and confidence.I think you'll like what you find... --- How it...
Then in high school, I started music theory, and it was the best class I’ve ever taken. We were learning about music --things I didn’t know, like theory and history. It was a class where we basically just listened to a song, talked about...
Music History Fine Arts Courses. Courses in music history and the Fine Arts for classical education, homeschool, and life-long learning.
Learn and teach the fundamentals of music theory, rhythm and ear training with the most advanced and interactive online platform. Through video tutorials, interactive lessons, mastery tests and more, uTheory has helped over 100,000 students maste
Campers can also select a minor from a variety of traditional camp activities, such as crafts, hiking, and team sports, as well as several fine arts fields such as music theory, acting, and intro to opera. Scholarship opportunities are available for advanced students in strings, winds, percuss...
Online elearning for music theory and Grade 5 Theory. Specially designed for anyone studying or teaching music theory, Clements Theory provides a high quality interactive e-learning environment at a far lower cost than the alternatives. Suitable for Asso
Porter, Harold BrookPorter, Harold BrookPorter, H. B. (1964). An integrated course in music literature, theory, and ensemble performance for talented high school students (Doctoral dissertation). University of Arizona, Tucson.
Music teachers instruct elementary, junior high, or high school students in vocal and instrumental performance and music theory. They also lead various performance ensembles at the school, such as the marching band, choir, jazz band, and orchestra. ...