Major通常有以下几种:演奏(Performance,也叫Applied Music),作曲(Composition),音乐教育(Music Education),爵士乐(Jazz Studies),音乐理论(MusicTheory),音乐学(Musicology)等等。修这个学位,就是进行专业的音乐学习,目标是以后成为专业的演奏者,音乐教育者,理论研究者等等。学生不仅仅要学习乐器演奏,还要学习大量的乐理,...
Music theory covering Notes (Notation / Piano), Key Signatures, Intervals, Chords, and Rhythms, that tests basic musicianship at an advanced level. Includes a…
MusicTheory A music theory library with Key, Pitch, Interval, Scale and Chord representations in swift enums. Requirements Swift 4.0+ iOS 8.0+ macOS 10.9+ tvOS 9.0+ watchOS 2.0+ Install CocoaPods pod 'MusicTheorySwift' Swift Package Manager let package = Package( name: ... dependencies: [...
400 Printable PDF Music Theory Worksheets and free Lesson Plans to download for your music classroom today. Note ID,Scales, Chords, and harmonic Systems
will be shown the basic principles of music theory covering key areas which will enhance your understanding and lay the foundations for study at higher levels. The learning modules cover accidentals, adding missing bar lines, intervals, key signatures, major scales, notes & note values, ...
“Music Theory”, that provides the perfect start for someone who has learned their basic first notes and maybe learned a few songs here and there but doesn’t know why a chord is spelled the way it is (e.g., why a C Major has a C, E, and a G?). Or they may have problem ...
Your go-to guide for everything music theory. Scales, chords, rhythm, how to read music, and more, in a clear and down-to-earth style that gets results.
Delve into structured and lucid lessons on music theory, making even the intricate nuances easy to grasp. Your journey to effortless understanding begins here.
ofxMusicTheory A music theory openFrameworks addon originally based on the Python Mingus library Created by Andreas Borg on 28/01/2013 Change log: Major rewrite July 2016 / Changed all objects into shared_ptr. Most functions should return copies, but be careful when passing chords...