Brad Morgan is a Country Music Artist and Songwriter who was born and raised on a farm near Manning, IA. While currently residing in Nashville, TN, he continues to build on the success he has had in Iowa and the Midwest Region. Brad has an easy going sound while presenting a fun and...
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6 Great Sheet Music Apps that All Musicians Should Try Out A few music stores near DC - use a search engine or to find more Check Levin's Washington Music Center; The biggest area store; high quality repairs House of Musical TraditionsMostly but not exclusively folk...
Highlights include 2 releases by John Prine, one a curated collection of songs from the Oh Boy Records catalog by independent record stores and the other a live recording from New York City’s Other End from December 1975. So, get to your favorite indy record store early (I’ll be...
To me the start of the holiday season comes on Record Store Day Black Friday event. Putting indy record stores on the forefront of holiday shopping by special, limited edition slabs of sweet, sweet vinyl itching to be added to your collection. ...
At the fifth floor, one can shop around inside the largest piano collection in all of the Yamaha stores; not only that, they can test the piano for free at the AVITEC soundproofing lab. On the sixth floor of the Ginza store, there lies the Yamaha Ginza Concert Salon, which is a mini...