The next morning, after walking Sasha, Molly went out to the shops for groceries and decided to have her hair done for the first time since the miscarriage. She knew she had let herself go, but had been disinterested in either clothes or makeup for weeks. When she returned home, delighte...
(through dowsing) in chemtrails. American Indian cigarettes, found at specialty smoke shops, is pesticide free. When faced with strange `flu-like' symptoms that don't respond to other therapeutic modalities, she frequently finds that Tobacco tincture will do the trick. A few drops in water is...
Derek Timm is the Host of 'Small Bites Radio' The #1 Listed Food Radio Show Philadelphia & South Jersey on Simplecast, iHeartRadio, Player FM, iTunes, Spotify, Pandora, Audible, Amazon Music, and many more distribution partners.