free embellishment, that is ornamentation that is not indicated by symbols and has no set form, passeggi (Italian pl.), roulades (French pl.) if the figure is a scale, the passage is usually called a 'run' Passage du pouce (French m.) passing the thumb under (the fingers) Passager ...
Acoustics is a wide concept with different meanings depending on what is referred to. Generally acoustics refers to the quality of sounds and the sonic qualities of a space, such as a concert hall. Acoustic music consists of instruments that don’t use electronics to produce the sound. These ...
In the tradition of Western music, a system of symbols has been devised to communicate and preserve musical compositions. This system includes symbols for notes, timing, amplitude, and keys. A musical composition is notated on a score. There are scores of different types, depending on the instr...
Some of these stops were developed in an attempt to find better imitations of orchestral instruments. Others were devised in order to stay in tune with the rest of the flue stops in an organ Encyclopedia of Organ Stops from which this extract has been taken Labialregister (German n.) a ...
To understand the meanings of the symbols used in conventional music notation: note names, rhythmic symbols, marks for dynamics and articulation, etc. To understand the fundamentals of music theory: scales, chords, etc. To perform pitches at sight. ...
Samual Joseph Smith. The four tracks on offer on this musical trip, and I say that with both meanings in mind, Sleep and Release is a sonic odyssey, one in which the textured woozy soundscapes take you to another plain, the aural equivalent of mind expanding drugs..…Read the rest ...
Thesixth articleexplains the meanings of the 14thcentury allegorical carvings; and theseventhdescribes the musical misericords of 1520 and the neo-Gothic organ screen of 1878–80 and 1919. This final article seeks to answer one central question: why, in the modern age, has the Minster’s medie...
Some kanji were introduced from different parts of China at different times, and so have multiple on'yomi, and often multiple meanings Kanji from which this information has been taken On y va? (French) Shall we go? onze (Catalan) eleven Onzième (French) the interval of an eleventh o.o...
, a term with a multiplicity of meanings from "factuality" and "contingency" to the intractable conditions of human existence Factory outlet a shop specialising in the sale of the products of a particular factory Factory-Outlet (German n.) factory outlet Factoryoutlet (German n.) factory outlet...
If so, you probably noticed lots of new symbols and words. Maybe you saw the word presto at the beginning. Perhaps you read piano, forte, and fortissimo throughout the song. You probably needed to ask your teacher whatthese wordsmeant. Or maybe you didn’t-if you knew how to read Ital...