Online Music Speed Changer web app, a musician's practice tool to independently change the tempo and pitch of audio files in real time. Online or offline on any device.
Music Speed Changer to independently change pitch and tempo of audio with professional sound quality. Available on Google Play, the App Store, and as a web app.
The free online tool changes the playback speed (tempo) and the key (pitch) of music independently.
iPhone & iPad Music Speed Changer app is an iOS music editor and player to independently change the tempo and pitch of personal, Apple and iTunes audio tracks.
Use cases of Music Speed Changer are for instance: practicing guitar and other music instruments, transcriptions, change the speed of audiobooks... Features: - Change pitch and tempo (speed, time-stretch) independently - Loop region - Select region ...
Modify the pitch and tempo instantly and independently Various filters Simple and easy interface Import formats like mp3, m4a,ogg, wav, Export to wav and mp3 4.TimePitch TimePitch is an intuitive and efficient audio pitch changer app for iPhone users. This app makes pitch and tempo adjustments...
Music Speed changer ultimate最新版截图 # Music Speed changer ultimate最新版 Description:- The app is about music speed(pitch and tempo) changer and hd video player.This apps can change audio speed with pitch shifting.You can change pitch of music by clicking + and - bpm buttons which will...
Use Music Speed Changer to change music tempo/speed and pitch in realtime quick and easy. Just select an audio file, mark the region you want to play and change tempo and pitch on the fly. It is also possible to export the changed audio file. Use cases of Music Speed Changer are for...
Music Speed Changer Chrome Extension for Browsers for changing the tempo and pitch of Music, Audio and Video, independently. Works with YouTube, Spotify, Apple Music, Vimeo, YouTube Music, Pandora, Deezer, Google Play Music.
Music Speed Changer 是一款可以幫助你在手機上調整音樂速度的免費App,這款歌曲變速軟體支援多種音頻格式,包含MP3, WAV, OGG, AAC, M4A等,而除了改變播放的速度外,另外也可以修改Pitch音高、音量放大、降低人聲(主唱聲音減小)等,適合用於練習唱歌或一般聽歌使用。