Native American music.The music of Native North Americans is primarily a vocal art, usually choral, although some nations favor solo singing. Native American music is entirely melodic; there is no harmony or polyphony, although there is occasional antiphonal singing between soloist and chorus. The ...
表演者:Various Artists 介质:Audio CD 发行时间:1998-10-06 出版者:Earthbeat 唱片数:1 条形码:0081227554026 豆瓣评分 暂无评分 想听在听听过 评价: 写短评 写乐评 加入豆列 分享到 推荐 曲目· ··· Water Song from the Morning Prayer Ocean - Fire Crow, Joseph Walking...
喜欢Music for the Native Americans的人也喜欢 Walk Between Worlds Zarathustra Thinking Of Woody Guthrie Sapere Aude I, Flathead Adultery Themes from William Blake's... La Colección Cubana The Bacchic Dance Of The Ny... Amesha Spentas 了解更多音乐信息 返回音乐首页 欧美新碟榜 ...
Free Essay: Music is one of the most influential parts of cultures all over the world, but to the Native Americans it is pivotal. Native American tribal...
With this TV-documentary soundtrack, Mohawk descendant Robertson, the former linchpin of The Band, proves he can still come up with mesmerizing songs when the Great Spirit moves him. And the authentic tribal chants/ instrumentals (by Native American musician Douglas Spotted Eagle) sound as avant-...
Since the beginning of the 20th century, some forms of American popular music have gained a near global audience.Native Americans were the earliest inhabitants of the land that is today known as the United States and played its first music. Beginning in the 17th century, immigrants from the ...
Native American royalty free music Altai Warrior by ihsandincer 1:57 Add to Cart Buy a License This track is a rich, immersive musical journey, blending the captivating melodies and rhythms of Turkic/Mongolian .. Cloudless by EdRecords 1:05 Add to Cart Buy a License An enchanting New...
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In the 1800s,African slaves in New Orleans blended their native styles of music with local music and European sounds to create a unique mixture. At the same time, blacks learned to play musical instruments that Europeans brought with Experiment in Folk them to the New World. One instrument ...
American music is an intricate tapestry of many cultures, and the History reveals this wide array of influences from Native, European, African, Asian, and other sources. The History begins with a survey of the music of Native Americans and then explores the social, historical, and cultural ...