We are a professional music metadata company, providing accurate search tags for production music libraries in the film and TV industry for over 10 years.
yarn add music-metadata API DocumentationOverviewNode.js specific functions to read an audio file or stream:File Parsing: Parse audio files directly from the filesystem using the parseFile function Stream Parsing: Parse audio metadata from a Node.js Readable stream using the parseStream function....
import{parseFile}from'music-metadata';import{inspect}from'util';(async()=>{try{constfilePath='../music-metadata/test/samples/MusicBrainz - Beth Hart - Sinner\'s Prayer [id3v2.3].V2.mp3';constmetadata=awaitparseFile(filePath);// Output the parsed metadata to the console in a readable for...
music-metadata/LICENSE.txt Version: 1.09 kBPlain TextView Raw 1 The MIT License (MIT) 2 3 Copyright © 2022 Borewit 4 5 Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the “Software”), to deal ...
• Export and import metadata information from your databases • Edit database records to save additional search keywords, notes and ratings MetaDigger Software for MAC MetaDigger Software for PC MetaDigger Users Manual PDF Warranty Disclaimer:By using this software, you agree that you will not ho...
May lack advanced features compared to dedicated software solutions.NO.4 SpotDL Best for: Users comfortable with command-line interfaces. SpotDL is a versatile command-line tool designed for users to download music from Spotify for offline use. It has the Spotify API, which fetches metadata and...
Yamaha: One of the First Companies Certified as an NDI IP Video and Audio Transmission System in a Network Switch - Our network switches are now NDI standard-compatible, enabling the long-distance transmission of video, audio, and metadata. 29/1/2025 Since entering the network device market ...
Metadigger Free Metadata Software Westar Music's World Partners Flexible Annual Blanket Licensing is structured to meet your individual needs: formats, styles, volume and production type. American Music Company Has Joined Westar Music The Emmy award winning American Music Company produces high quality, ...
parseStream(stream: Readable, fileInfo?: IFileInfo | string, options?: IOptions): Promise<IAudioMetadata>Parameters:stream: Readable: The Node.js Readable stream from which the audio data is read. This stream should provide the raw audio data to be analyzed. fileInfo: IFileInfo (optional) ...
website that shares millions of torrent files in the form of magnet links. Users are able to download data from this website using a number of BitTorrent clients. Previously, people could only use BitTorrent files, which contain metadata that is needed to download data files shared by other ...