同时更新的还有 Music Maker 2024 Free,其中包含 6 个 Soundpools,8 个音轨,3 个虚拟乐器,Beatbox 和 Song Maker。 免费下载 Music Maker 2024 Free:https://dl03.magix.net/musicmaker.exe 官网:https://www.magix.com/us/music-editing/music-maker/ 原YouTube 视频链接:https://www.youtube.com/watch...
Music Maker2024是一款集电脑音乐制作、编辑、效果预览和输出于一体的Magix音乐创作软件,它能让您在数分钟创作出美好的音乐旋律,是音乐工作者的最佳解决方案。Music Maker出自于德国影音大厂MAGIX 公司,支持多种乐器、多音色、多种不同风格流派的音乐和配器。
Unlock your full musical potential with Song Maker, the ultimate music making tool that puts the power of a professional recording studio right in your pocket!…
Create your own music with this free music maker app. Let your imagination run free! Compose music that you want by combining different sounds and rhy…
Craft your own music with MUSIC MAKER - free software for song & beat making. Combine sounds & loops, play virtual instruments, record vocals, mix them with effects.
Craft your own music with MUSIC MAKER - free software for song & beat making. Combine sounds & loops, play virtual instruments, record vocals, mix them with effects.
Google’s launching Song Maker, where you can make your own songs and share it with the world. This project is coming out as a National Association for Music
据外媒3月1日消息,谷歌开源音乐教育平台Chrome Music Lab近日上线了一款全新的免费音乐创作工具Song Maker。这个音乐创作工具基于谷歌浏览器,用户可以选择两款不同乐器进行音乐创作,还可以将作品保存并传给其他人一起合作。Song Maker由两部分的音序器构成,大的部分用来控制旋律,最底下的小格子则用来控制节奏。用户...
最后,Magix 表示,基于 AI 的Song Maker AI于去年作为 Music Maker 2022 的一部分推出,现在更加智能并提供更好的效果,包括自动淡入淡出和更准确地播放循环。 价格和兼容性 和以前一样,Magix Music Maker 仅适用于 Windows。共有三个版本,包括基本免费版本。Music Maker Plus 的售价为 59.99 美元/欧元,而 Music ...
A package for R which provides tools that make creating simple songs through the use of sine waves much easier. - musicmakeR/R/playsong.R at master · Dasonk/musicmakeR