Any lesson detail adjustments, for example an increase from twenty minutes to thirty minutes, are usually actioned at the end of the autumn, spring, or summer term. While we will try to accommodate your request, approval is dependent on teacher availability amongst other factors. Therefore, we...
originally scheduled for April 6, was postponed due to inclement weather and the widespread power outage on that date. The concert will be rescheduled pending the availability of the musicians and the venue. The new date will be announced
JMG Sound, independent development teams federation United Plugins is proud to announce availability of DarkFire — an analogue-like preamp and saturator plug-in providing complete control over added harmonics by allowing More to: JMG Sound releases effect plugin DarkFire ...
Ron spearheaded the Sonos Music API (SMAPI) initiative, a web services architecture for integrating Sonos with streaming music providers, including a creating a platform for on-boarding and supporting 40+ Sonos music partners worldwide and hosting high availability services on Amazon EC2....
A series of semi-structured face-to-face interviews with patients were conducted by the first author at the hospital on a weekly basis, depending on patient availability/scheduling. Only the patient and the researcher were present during interviews. No prior relationship between the two existed. In...