洛杉矶音乐学院(Los Angeles College of Music,简称LACM)成立于1996年,旨在培养学生成为优秀的音乐工作者,提供音乐表演,音乐制作(音乐工程与录音、视觉多媒体配乐),词曲创作以及音乐商务专业的本科学士学位、副学士学位及文凭证书课程。学校位于音乐及娱乐产业的核心地带——加州洛杉矶的Passadena。 洛杉矶音乐学院为学生们准...
NO.2洛杉矶音乐学院Los Angeles college of Music 洛杉矶音乐学院为学生们准备成为音乐领袖,提供了音乐表演,音乐制作(音乐工程与录音、视觉多媒体配乐),作曲(歌曲写作)以及音乐商务专业的本科学士学位、副学士学位及文凭证书课程。学院位于美国音乐娱乐产业中心,汇集了世界上优秀的教师队伍。 学院的教师成员均为当今音乐行...
Los Angeles College of Music Pasadena, CA· 4 Year · Rating3.94out of 534 reviews Other:Beautiful experience I would highly recommend Los Angeles College of music very helpful staff and teachers love the hands online courses very grateful and honored to be apart of the music movement industry....
1035 S La Brea Ave, Los Angeles, CA 90019, United States play At pointblank LA's state-of-the-art Hollywood campus, you can study music production, DJing, singing, songwriting, music business, audio engineering, acting and more. All of our programs are taught by music industry professionals...
洛杉矶音乐学院(Los Angeles College of Music(LACM)),旨在培养学生成为音乐领导者,汇集世界知名教师队伍,所有教师均为业内知名艺术家。学校提供大量的奖学金/助学金供学生申请。 校园位于美丽而友好的帕萨迪纳市。帕萨迪纳是南加州最古老的社区之一,同时作为拥有众多大学以及超过14000名学生的城市,帕萨迪纳也是一个名副其...
Los Angeles Office address: 1035 S. La Brea Ave, Los Angeles CA 90019 Tel: +1 (323) 594-8740 Email: admissions@pointblankmusicschool.com FAQ Campus Tours / Open Houses London School If you are interested in taking a tour of our London facilities, then we recommend joining us at one of...
0 minutes — Compare public transit, taxi, biking, walking, driving, and ridesharing. Find the cheapest and quickest ways to get from Los Angeles College of Music to Schooners Patio Grille.
Los Angeles College of Music Pasadena, Calif. LACM’s music business program — which offers a 12-quarter bachelor of music degree and a six-quarter associate of arts degree — is committed to offering students hands-on experience and networking opportunities. On average, a student will meet an...
辛辛那提大学音乐学院College-Conservatory of Music录取人数:64人 洛杉矶音乐学学院Los Angeles College of Music录取人数:97人 曼哈顿音乐学院Manhattan School of Music录取人数:122人 新英格兰音乐学院New England Conservatory录取人数:83人 波士顿音乐学院Boston Conservator录取人数:126人 ...
Los Angeles College Of Music Pasadena, Calif. LACM’s music business program is growing. The school will launch its master’s degree program in fall 2023, and a master of arts in music industry will be among the first offerings available. Meanwhile, LACM’s bachelor’s program addresses aspec...