首先,在将MusicBot添加到Discord服务器时,系统会引导您设置适当的机器人权限,确保它只能执行被授权的任务,如播放音乐、管理播放列表等,而无法触及敏感信息或执行潜在危险的操作。其次,MusicBot严格遵循最小权限原则,除了必要的Discord API访问外,不会收集任何个人信息或第三方认证密钥,从而最大程度地保障了用户数据的安全...
不仅如此,《Discord Music Bot》还支持用户自定义播放列表的创建。你可以根据心情、场合或是主题来整理属于自己的音乐合集,无论是派对热场还是安静读书,《Discord Music Bot》都能为你营造出完美的背景音乐氛围。想象一下,在一个温暖的午后,与朋友们围坐在一起,通过《Discord Music Bot》分享彼此精心挑选的歌单,那...
MusicBot是一款简单而有效的Discord音乐机器人,专为在Discord上播放本地音乐而设计。这款机器人可以自动识别并播放用户指定的音乐文件,让用户能够更方便地享受音乐的乐趣。MusicBot具有以下特点:1. 支持多种音乐格式:MusicBot可以播放多种音乐格式,包括MP3、WAV、AIFF
Now you can implement your bot's logic: const{Client}=require("discord.js");constclient=newDiscord.Client({intents:["Guilds","GuildVoiceStates"]});const{Player}=require("discord-player");// Create a new Player (you don't need any API Key)constplayer=newPlayer(client);// add the tra...
To run with docker simply run the command docker run -e TOKEN=<your_token_here> -d <your_dockerhub_name>/music_bot:latest Installation To run the discord bot all you need is python 3.4 or above. Then run pip install -r requirements.txt to install all of the python dependencies. Please...
A music Discord bot with more than 30+ commands which allows to play music on your server efficiently. Supports Youtube, Spotify, Deezer and Soundcloud links. Skips intros and blanks in the music with Sponsorblock.music spotify youtube discord-music-bot ffmpeg discord soundcloud discord-bot you...
MusicBot 是一个具有干净界面的跨平台 Discord 音乐机器人,易于设置和运行! 特性: 易于运行(只需确保安装了 Java,然后运行!) 歌曲加载速度快 不需要外部密钥(除了 Discord Bot 令牌) 流畅播放 可以调节音乐的“DJ”角色的服务器特定设置 干净漂亮的菜单 支持许多网站,包括 Youtube、Soundcloud 等 支持许多在线广播...
ErisBotIt is a powerful music bot which is easy to use as it allows you to create and use your custom prefix for commands. However, it sometimes fails to parse the YouTube links and starts the videos instead of just the audio.TONY BAMANABONI XDIt does everything that a discord bot ...
FredBoat is a free Discord music bot that delivers high-quality music to your Discord server. The music bot is made to be easy plug in to your Discord server with no configuration. Setting up the bot FredBoat is made to be super simple to use! Getting FredBoat running on your server is...
Welcome the Simple, Elegant & great sounding TS3- and Discord-Bot! Learn MoreWatch Video Easy to set up and maintain If you already have a TS3-Server running or own a VPS or Root-Server you're just a few simple steps away from your own Bot. ...