Articulation and phrasing symbols are crucial in expressing musical intent. A tie connects two notes of the same pitch, creating a sustained sound, while a slur connects different notes for a smoothly played phrase. Tenuto denotes that a note should be held for its full duration, adding emphasis...
Articulation techniques, such as legato and staccato, are used to produce different sounds and effects. Ballad Ballads aren’t necessarily songs and the definition of a ballad has changed throughout the centuries. However, today in music a ballad is a slow and often highly emotional form of ...
To understand the meanings of the symbols used in conventional music notation: note names, rhythmic symbols, marks for dynamics and articulation, etc. To understand the fundamentals of music theory: scales, chords, etc. To perform pitches at sight. ...
quasi guitar (literally 'like a guitar') violins and violas can be held sideways against the body and strummed. To indicate the direction of strums, either arrows can be used or the symbols for up and down bows left hand pizzicato the strings are plucked with left rather than bowing (right...
free embellishment, that is ornamentation that is not indicated by symbols and has no set form, passeggi (Italian pl.), roulades (French pl.) if the figure is a scale, the passage is usually called a 'run' Passage du pouce (French m.) passing the thumb under (the fingers) Passager ...
Musical practices harness the indexical presence of here and now better than other modes of expressive representation, moving beyond the vague generality of icons but never reaching the predictable generality of symbols. They are more powerful because of it. Meaning is not the exclusive domain of ...
Melody is “the most essential aspect of music” (S. S. Prokofiev), its simplest and primary form, and its main element, which incorporates the expressive effects of many other elements. The term has a number of basic meanings. It refers to a succession of musical tones forming an entity...
Notation The writing down of musical notes and symbols to represent pitch, rhythm, and melodies. Office The regular round of prayer and worship in monastic communities. Opera A musical form of drama, originating in Italy, set to music. In an opera, most or all of the text is sung, using...
In the tradition of Western music, a system of symbols has been devised to communicate and preserve musical compositions. This system includes symbols for notes, timing, amplitude, and keys. A musical composition is notated on ascore. There are scores of different types, depending on the instrum...
, a term with a multiplicity of meanings from "factuality" and "contingency" to the intractable conditions of human existence Factory outlet a shop specialising in the sale of the products of a particular factory Factory-Outlet (German n.) factory outlet Factoryoutlet (German n.) factory outlet...