Music and the emotions 艺术 Question 1 正确答案:dopamine 解析: 题干关键词:brain’s neurons(大脑的神经元),release a substance(释放的物质),stimulate(刺激) 原文定位:trigger(触发),第2段倒数第5行“ triggers the production of dopamine by the both the dorsal and ventral reg...
对应原文:第2段:The first thing they discovered is that music triggers the production of dopamine – a chemical with a key role in setting people’s moods – by the neurons (nerve cells) in both thedorsaland ventral regions of the brain 答案解析:题干询问,人们注意到大脑两个部分的神经元都...
显示答案Music and the emotionsNeuroscientist Jonah Lehrer considers the emotional power of music Why does music make us feel? On the one hand, music is a purely abstract art form, devoid of language or explicit ideas. And yet, even though music says little, it still manages to touch us dee...
While earlier theories of music focused on the way a sound can refer to the real world of images and experiences - its‘ connotative' meaning - Meyer argued that the emotions we find in music come from the unfolding events of the music itself. This‘embodied meaning’ arises from the patter...
剑桥雅思12Test7Passage3阅读答案解析 Music and the emotions 音乐与情感 剑桥雅思12 Test7 Passage3阅读原文翻译 第1段 Why does music make us feel?On the one hand, music is a purely abstract art form, devoid of language orexplicitideas.And yet, even though music says little, it still manages...
史上最详尽:剑桥雅思12-Test 7-Passage 3 Music and The Emotions 手把手教精读(上)含做题顺序+题目解读+文章分析重点1:2分左右:如何能预判文章结构? 重点2:3分30秒左右:拿到文章先读文章还是题目?重点3:4分30秒左右:题目只是扫读一遍即可么? 重点4:9分17秒左右:如何能以最快速度记住第一题?重点5:11分...
music and emotions 阅读解析 摘要: 一、引言:音乐与情感的关联 二、音乐如何影响情绪 1.音乐旋律与情感表达 2.音乐节奏与情绪变化 3.音乐氛围与情感氛围的契合 三、个人音乐品味与情绪调节 1.选择适合情绪的音乐 2.音乐疗愈的作用 四、音乐在社交场合中的应用 1.音乐促进情感交流 2.音乐塑造氛围 五、结论:...
‘connotative’ meaning - Meyer argued that the emotions we find in music come from the unfolding events of the music itself. This ‘embodied meaning’ arises from the patterns the symphony invokes and then ignores. It is this uncertainty that triggers the surge of dopamine in the caudate, ...
Explaining Musical Experience Paul Boghossian Music and the Emotions 1. I start with the observation that we often respond to a musical performance with emotion -- even if it is just the performance of a piece of absolute music, unaccompanied by text, title or programme. We can be exhilarated...