One way to answer the question is to look at the music and not the neurons. While music can often seem (at least to the outsider) like a labyrinth of intricate patterns, it turns out that the most important part of every song or symphony is when the patterns break down, when the soun...
Music and the emotions 艺术 Question 1 正确答案:dopamine 解析: 题干关键词:brain’s neurons(大脑的神经元),release a substance(释放的物质),stimulate(刺激) 原文定位:trigger(触发),第2段倒数第5行“ triggers the production of dopamine by the both the dorsal and ventral reg...
IELTS Academic Reading Time: 20 minutes INSTRUCTIONS TO CANDIDATES Answer all the questions. You can change your answers at any time during the test. INSTRUCTIONS TO CANDIDATES There are 14 questions in this test. Each question carries one mark. The test clock will show you how long have you...
Explore the Reading Passage of Music and the Emotions, along with explanations in this post & prepare to achieve your desired score for your IELTS Reading exam.
│├──阅读理解评估(Readingcomprehensionassessment) │└──批判性思维训练(Criticalthinkingtraining) │├──分析音乐节的公告(Analyzemusicfestivalannouncement) │├──讨论音乐与个人情感的关系(Discusstherelationshipbetweenmusicandpersonalemotions) │└──总结音乐对个人生活的影响(Summarizetheimpactofmusiconper...
本节课选自外研版高一英语必修二第三模块Readingandvocabulary部分。本模块主题是音乐,该主题深受学生喜爱,容易引起学生的兴趣和共鸣。 课文主要介绍了十八世纪三位西方音乐家:海顿、莫扎特和贝多芬的生平及创作。文章本身比较枯燥。如何深入挖掘教材,利用音乐作为有效的载体,使得本篇课文学习既具趣味性,充满情感体验,又能...
19 Reading For Writing(目标导航)[学语言]1.修饰语:①第二段分别使用了系动词look, feel等,使表达更加生动形象, 突出作者的心情变化。②And it's true, 简单明了, 作者对音乐的喜爱溢于言表。2.高级句式:①“It's an honour to be here and to share with you ...”表达委婉, 态度谦和, 语言地道...
-“Goodmorning,everyone.Today,wearegoingtoexploreUnit5Music,specificallytheReadingandThinkingsectionofourtextbook.Beforewebegin,letmeaskyouaquestion:Whatdoesmusicmeantoyou?” -学生思考并回答。 -“Greatanswers.Musicisindeedapowerfulmediumthatcaninfluenceouremotionsandthoughts.Today,wewillreadatextthatdiscussesthe...
amusic is the language of the soul.When you play music,you can experience emotions and express what can not be expressed in words. Music is also a form of entertainment for many people. It seems that wherever you go,music is playing. It is on the radio and television and it can be ...
"Listening to music while studying is a lot like self-administering a chill pill; you have to know what type of music you need to work best in your current state of mind. Because emotions are varied, you may (like me) have many studying playlists. Over the past eight years, I have ...