Music and the emotions 艺术 Question 1 正确答案:dopamine 解析: 题干关键词:brain’s neurons(大脑的神经元),release a substance(释放的物质),stimulate(刺激) 原文定位:trigger(触发),第2段倒数第5行“ triggers the production of dopamine by the both the dorsal and ventral reg...
Music and the emotions Neuroscientist Jonah Lehrer considers the emotional power of music 点击文章 单词可查看释义 Why does music make us feel? On the one hand, music is a purely abstract art form, devoid of language or explicit ideas. And yet, even though music says little, it still ...
对应原文:第2段:The first thing they discovered is that music triggers the production of dopamine – a chemical with a key role in setting people’s moods – by the neurons (nerve cells) in both thedorsaland ventral regions of the brain 答案解析:题干询问,人们注意到大脑两个部分的神经元都...
One way to answer the question is to look at the music and not the neurons.While music can often seem (at least to the outsider) like alabyrinthofintricatepatterns, it turns out that the most important part of every song orsymphonyis when the patterns break down, when the sound becomesun...
史上最详尽:剑桥雅思12-Test 7-Passage 3 Music and The Emotions 手把手教精读(上)含做题顺序+题目解读+文章分析重点1:2分左右:如何能预判文章结构? 重点2:3分30秒左右:拿到文章先读文章还是题目?重点3:4分30秒左右:题目只是扫读一遍即可么? 重点4:9分17秒左右:如何能以最快速度记住第一题?重点5:11分...
of the original recordings. Another Goldsmiths study, published this year in Consciousness and Cognition, found that people who report hearing earworms often, and find them most intrusive, have slightly different brain structures, with more gray matter in areas associated with processing emotions. ...
emotions and music 音乐与情感 Live Aid 拯救生命(旨在消除全球贫困及援助非洲的慈善演唱会组织) The Beatles 披头士乐队 music and commonality 音乐与共性 ~End~ Good luck with your IELTS test 【作者介绍】Tessa,OGE雅思外籍成员,母语为英语,新西兰坎特伯雷大学英语文学和法语专业。(以上中文由OGE雅思助教团队提供...
Music functions as a linguistic tool because of its internal mechanism that stirs our physical and spiritual responses as languages do. People may easily capture the emotions that is conveyed by, say, a movement of the string quartet thanks to some parts in our brains (mostly the caudate) that...
of the original recordings. Another Goldsmiths study, published this year in Consciousness and Cognition, found that people who report hearing earworms often, and find them most intrusive, have slightly different brain structures, with more gray matter in areas associated with processing emotions. ...
The most important reason to illustrate music is a universal language is that it can be applied in almost all kinds of human activities and allows people to express certain emotions. No matter in the past or future, music has always been functioning as the language to bring out resonance amon...