Museum of Art and Archaeology 1.2 热度 4.5分 2条点评 暂停营业 恢复营业时间待定 实用攻略 1 Pickard Hall, University of Missouri, Columbia, MO 65211 地图·周边 用户点评(2)查看全部 4.5/5分 好评2 137***7766 5分 超棒 在博物馆里四处游览就像是在进行时间之旅一样,里面的各种资料...
The University of Missouri-Columbia Museum of Art and Archaeology Exhibits:
SMITHSONIAN INSTITUTION ARCHIVES OF AMERICAN ART Street: 750 9TH STREET NW City: WASHINGTON State: DC - District Of Columbia ZIP Code: 20001 ZIP Code5: 20001 Weburl: HTTP://WWW.AAA.SI.EDU/ [+]More Information Address Example 750 9TH STREET NW WASHINGTON DC 20001 USA Envelope ...
NATIONAL MUSEUM OF THE U.S. NAVY Street: 805 KIDDER BREESE STREET SE City: WASHINGTON State: DC - District Of Columbia ZIP Code: 20374-5060 ZIP Code5: 20374 [+]More Information Address Example 805 KIDDER BREESE STREET SE WASHINGTON DC 20374-5060 USA Envelope Example This is an...
and other pieces up close and personal. These virtual tours are jam-packed with enough details to make you feel like you’re really visiting the museum. The experiences are sure to entertain the whole family, an art or history buff, or even those who want to imagine the joys of travel!
Newspapers » Columbia Daily Tribune (Columbia, MO) » Article details, "The University of Missouri Museum of Art and..."The University of Missouri Museum of Art and Archaeology: "Daumier's Paris: Life in the 19th-Century City" on Display through May 25 at University of Missouri Campus....
MUSE [MVSE] : Annual of the Museum of Art and Archaeology, University of Missouri at ColumbiaContents: exhibitions 1984 loans out 1984 acquisitions 1983 [Numerous fine acquisitions with several photos] The Dozing Duck: A Rare Plastic [Classic Period Greek] Vase WILLIAM R. BIERS Mirobriga: A ...
携程天气预报,为您及时准确发布中央气象台天气信息,便捷查询哥伦比亚Museum of Art and Archaeology实时天气预报、明天天气预报、一周天气预报,提供天气现象、气温状况、实况温度、风向情况、风力等级、总降水量、相对湿度、日出/日落时间...
Museum of Art and Archaeology 地址: 1 Pickard Hall, University of Missouri, Columbia, MO 65211 用户点评: 4.5分 (2条点评) 类型: 特色展馆 场馆展馆 电话: +1 573-882-3591 开放时间: 全年 周二-周五 9:00-16:00开放;全年 周六-周日 12:00-16:00开放 详情请点击 >>旅游攻略导航 Missour...
U.S. DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR MUSEUM Street: 1849 C STREET NW City: WASHINGTON State: DC - District Of Columbia ZIP Code: 20240 ZIP Code5: 20240 Phone: (202) 208-4743 Weburl: HTTP://WWW.DOI.GOV//INTERIORMUSEUM/INDEX.CFM [+]More Information Address Example 1849 C STREET...