Learn about the poem "Musée des Beaux Arts" by W.H. Auden. Discover the theme and structure, and read an analysis of this poem about a painting of the fall of Icarus. Updated: 11/21/2023 Table of Contents "Musée des Beaux Arts" by W.H. Auden The Fall of Icarus in Mythology ...
In the Musee des Beaux Arts The paintings speak of silent truths Capturing moments of joy and despair In colors that whisper stories of the past The brushstrokes of the masters Reveal the human condition In all its beauty and its pain In the Musee des Beaux Arts The quiet halls are filled...
Musee des Beaux ArtsW. H. AudenAbout suffering they were never wrong,The old Masters: how well they understoodIts human position: how it takes placeWhile someone else is eating or opening a window or just walking dully along;How, when the aged are reverently, passionately waitingFor the ...
“雪梨读诗”第38集推送的是英裔美国诗人威斯坦•休•奥登(Wystan Hugh Auden)的诗歌Musee des Beaux Arts。 雪梨朗诵 BGM: The Last Judgement - Carter Burwell Musee des Beaux Arts W. H. Auden About suffering they were never wrong, The old Masters: how well they understood ...
Musee des Beaux Arts《美术馆》BY W. H. AudenW. H. 奥登About suffering they were never wrong,说到苦难,他们从未看错,The old Masters: how well they understood古代那些大师:他们深切体认Its human position: how it takes place苦难在人世的地位;当苦难降临,While someone else is eating or opening a...
Musee Cantonal des Beaux-Arts 前面小广场电梯出口的一个翻牌钟特别有意思,是用法语来显示时间的,等待它变时间的过程非常有趣,等了好几次它翻动,视频中是正好等到一个整点。有这样的设计会让这个城市变得可爱。 汽车 汽车生活 法语 时间 地铁 交通 装置艺术 广场 城市 ...
坎佩尔美术博物馆 Musee des Beaux Arts *点击以缩略图片,查看大图!坎佩尔美术馆位于圣科伦坦大教堂北侧,这里的美术展品跨度较大。美术馆的一层展出着16-20世纪欧洲的各类风格的绘画,其中不乏毕加索等大画家的作品;二层则是题献给本地诗人马克斯雅各布(1876-1944)的沙龙。 提示:地址:40 Place Saint-Corentin, 29000...
卡昂美术博物馆 Musee des Beaux-Arts de Caen *点击以缩略图片,查看大图!卡昂美术博物馆邻近卡昂城堡,馆内陈列了一些美术精品,其中包括吕本斯和德拉克鲁瓦等人的艺术品,这里还介绍了15-20世纪的美术史。 提示:地址:Le Chateau, 14000 Caen 博物馆 电话: +33 2 31 30 47 70 官方网站: http://mba....
Musee des Beaux ArtsW. H. AudenAbout suffering they were never wrong,The old Masters: how well they understoodIts human position: how it takes placeWhile someone else is eating or opening a window or just walking dully along;How, when the aged are reverently, passionately waitingFor the ...