The Muse of lyric poetry and music. 欧忒耳佩缪斯女神之一,主管音乐和抒情诗。 His muse occasionally takes a humorous and satirical turn. 他的诗句偶尔会变得幽默而有讽剌意味。 The young girl was lost in a muse. 这个女孩陷入了沉思。 I want to be a better writer and maybe my muse will prov...
Erato was the Muse of lyric poetry, this included love and erotic poetry and songs. She was the fourth born of the Nine Muses. Her name means “desired”. She is often shown wearing a wreath of myrtle and roses. She sometimes holds a lyre, or a small kithara. Other times she may be...
This chapter examines the genre of lyric poetry, focusing on one particular aspect of that genre — the convention of the muse. The love lyric directed at the beloved muse has a lengthy tradition, from Sappho and Catullus to Petrarch, through Shakespeare, Sidney and Donne, and into the 18th...
The text researches differences between male and female comprehension of "the muse", as a poetical inspiration in love poetry and erotic poetry, taking as an example a number of Macedonian poets - men and women. The text is focused on the point at which the poetical voice, singing of love...
Bacchylides, Fragment 3 (trans. Campbell, Vol. Greek Lyric IV) (C5th B.C.) : "[The poet] has his share in the violet-haired Mousai (Muses).The light of man's excellence, however, does not diminish with his body; no, the Mousa (Muse) fosters it. And the sweet-voiced cock [...
: "Orpheus of the intricate music, son of Kalliope (Calliope)."Bacchylides, Fragment 28 (trans. Campbell, Vol. Greek Lyric IV) (Greek lyric C5th B.C.) : "[Orpheus] the renowned son of Oiagros (Oeagrus) . . . child of the lovely-haired Mousa (Muse)."...
. . where the Powow River Poets established their home base three decades ago—but how else to explain the lyric fluency, robust talent, and refreshing wit that consistently distinguish this group? —Leslie Monsour (from the introduction), author of The House Sitter The Powow River ...
And don’t miss “Sarcasm,” a sonnet that deftly recasts Petrarch’s jewels of transcendent love as stones that wound both lover and beloved.—Richard Wakefield This is a wonderful and entertaining book of poetry. Stephen Scaer’s poems are full of wit, sarcasm and humor. His subjects ...
Erato: Muse oflyricand love poetry (often playing a lyre). Euterpe: Muse ofmusicor flutes (often playing flutes). Melpomene: Muse oftragedy(often holding a tragic mask). Polymnia: Muse of sacred poetry or of the mimic art (often shown with apensivelook). ...
CLIO GODDESS OF POETRYVirgil and the Muses Clio and Melpomene, Greco-Roman mosaic A.D., Bardo National Museum Pindar, Nemean Ode 3. 10 & 82 ff (trans. Conway) (Greek lyric C5th B.C.) : "Of song grant, of my skill, full measure. Strike, O daughter of the lord of cloud-capped...