Grip strength 1-RM Cross fit total Sum of the best of three attempts in each of three movements -back squat -Strict shoulder press - deadlift Muscular endurance assessment YMCA Bench press test Push-Ups Partial Curl-UPS YMCA bench press test ...
measure static strength on 38 different muscle groups dynamic testing equipment: free weights require more neuromuscular coordination to stabilized body parts and maintain balance; may require spotters*bench press = constant resistance b/c it is a dynamic contraction and the weight on the bar is not...
1. Strength training -light loads (30-60% of 1 RM) -fast concentration velocity -2-3 minute rest -emphasize multiple joint exercises, especially total body 2. local muscular endurance training -light to moderate loads (40-60% of 1 RM) ...
- improves endurance, circulation, and increases bone strength atrophy - wasting away of muscle tissue - causes: disease, dehydration, lack of movement, burns (3rd deg), malnutrition one each muscle only contracts/pulls in ___ direction flexor -...
threshold stimulus the weakest stimulus that can initiate a contraction all-or-none response the characteristics of a muscle fiber to contract all the way or not at all recruitment the addition of motor to a contraction as stimulus strength increases * subthreshold stimulus if it generates a membra...
myoclonus the sudden, involuntary jerking of a muscle or group of muscles polymyositis a muscle disease characterized by the simultaneous inflammation and weakening of voluntary muscles in many parts of the body sacropenia the loss of muscle mass, strength, and function that comes with aging ataxia...
5 things can occur to a muscle when it is trained/worked out -increase in strength-endurance-size-muscle tone-function Catch-all Muscle Deltoid Two muscles named for its shape -trapezoidal-rhomboidal Three medical terms for specific areas of the body -brachial-pectoral-gluteal Three muscles that...
Each somatic motor neuron, together with all the muscle fibers in it innervates * functional unit of every muscle Recruitment When contraction of greater strength is required, larger motor unit are brought into play Tonus normal, partially steady state of muscle contractionHow we maintain normal pos...
the process of stimulating various fibers is under involuntary control effect of exercise on muscles exercise increase muscle size, strength, and endurance aerobic exercise results in stronger more flexible muscles with greater resistance to fatigue and in turn makes body metabolism more efficient ...
means lacking normal muscle tone or strength atrophy means weakness or wearing away of body tissues and structures bradykinesia extreme slowness in movement carpal tunnel syndrome a pinched nerve at the wrist, causing pain or numbness in the hand. It is often caused by repetitive motion of the wr...