All the major muscle groups of the body from front and back. Click on the name of the muscle, or the image, to see weight training exercises. The abdominal muscles are shown in red, it is very easy to see from this diagram how a six pack is made, and also why some people have an...
The following diagram illustrates the actions of the terms adduction, abduction, flexion and extension at the different joints. This is important to understand the actions of the thigh muscles in limb movement. Anterior Compartment Thigh Muscles This is the largest of the three compartments of the ...
Explore the human body's muscle anatomy and learn the names of the major muscles and what they do. Identify muscles on the body and know their...
The back, chest, arms, legs, calves, and shoulders make up the six main muscle groups. For the body to remain strong, you should work out your body from head to toe.Resistance routinestarget every major muscle group, including the triceps, biceps, abdominals, glutes, chest, and more. Al...
Unlabeled diagram See if you can label the muscles yourself on the worksheet available for download below. If you’re struggling, don’t be hard on yourself. There really is a lot to remember, so consider taking one of our muscle quizzes covering the different muscles of the body to impro...
Heavily defined pectoral muscles, on which the nipples stood out like pennies —Francis King Muscled like a water buffalo —Gerald Kersh Muscles [of leg] as big as a hill —Dylan Thomas Muscles … hard and ropy like the ones on the fantastic coursing dogs in the sad stone friezes of anci...
Twitter Google Share on Facebook striated muscle (redirected fromStriped muscles) Thesaurus Medical Encyclopedia striated muscle n. Muscle, including skeletal and cardiac muscle in vertebrates, that is distinguished from smooth muscle by having transverse striations across the fibers. ...
Levatores costarum muscles (Musculi levatores costarum) - Irina Münstermann Costal attachments of levatores costarum muscles (diagram) - Irina MünstermannLevatores costarum muscles: want to learn more about it? Our engaging videos, interactive quizzes, in-depth articles and HD atlas are here...
Thegluteal muscles(sometimes referred to as the buttock muscles) are primarily made of up three muscles that are located on the back and outer portions of the hips - the gluteus minimus, gluteus medius, and gluteus maximus. The gluteus minimus and gluteus medius are responsible for the abduction...
You’ve just contracted the muscle on the top of your arm, the bicep, and relaxed the muscle below your arm, the tricep. Now, move your arm back level with the ground – you’ve just relaxed the muscle on top of your arm and contracted the one below it. When you ‘make a muscle...