16-2 Muscles of the Neck Anatomy来自希腊语anatome,“解剖”,是处理生物结构组织的自然科学的一个分支。作为基础生命科学之一,解剖学与医学和其他生物学分支密切相关。(网易公开课编辑整理)
Explore the anatomy and function of the head and neck muscles with Innerbody's interactive 3D model. by Tim Taylor Last updated: Jan 2nd, 20252D Interactive NEW3D Rotate and Zoom Anatomy Explorer Clavicular Head of Sternocleidomastoid Muscle Depressor Anguli Oris Muscle Depressor Labii Inferioris Mu...
Muscles of the Neck, Trunk and Abdomen - Surface and Living Anatomy - Section FifteenELSEVIERSurface & Living Anatomy
Origin & Insertion of Muscles | Definition, Actions & Examples 6:14 Muscles of the Head & Neck | Anatomy, Motion & Support 7:56 5:58 Next Lesson Muscles of the Vertebral Column: Support & Movement Axial & Trunk Muscles | Overview & Anatomy 5:53 Shoulder Muscles | Anatomy, Functi...
Neck_2Head_6Maxillary arte 12:25 05 Head and Neck_6Teeth_1 Teeth Kenhub 17:14 05 Head and Neck_6Teeth_2 Anatomy of the tooth Kenhub 15:13 05 Head and Neck_7Oral Cavity_1 Overview of the oral cavity Kenhub 09:40 05 Head and Neck_7Oral Cavity_2Structure of the tongue Kenhub 08:...
Your neck muscle anatomy fits into three categories, the anterior, lateral, and posterior neck muscles. These three muscles help your head move. Two major neck muscles, the trapezius, and sternocleidomastoid, help your throat function. These are only two of your 20 neck muscles. The primary fun...
of the neck. This muscle runs anterior to the common carotids and is a typical muscular landmark during neck surgery. The strap muscles, also known as the infrahyoid muscles, are composed of four paired muscles – the sternohyoid, the sternothyroid, the omohyoid, and the thyrohyoid. These...
Spinal Cord Anatomy in the Neck Cervical Spine Anatomy Video Important Muscles of the Neck Here are some of the key muscles attached to the cervical spine: Levator scapulae.The levator scapulae muscle is attached at the top four cervical vertebrae (C1 to C4) and runs down the side of the ...
The stylopharyngeus muscle is not attached directly to the hyoid bone, however it acts indirectly to elevate both the hyoid bone and the larynx. Want a quick way to learn all the muscles of the head and neck, including those of the larynx? Our head and neck muscle anatomy chart is the...
experimentedupona cadaverandconcludedthatthey"areessentiallyrotatorsandthattheybecomeextensorsonlywhentheyact simultaneouslyon bothsides."SurfaceAnatomyThemusclesof the backcannotbeidentifiedwithcertaintyexceptin the lumbarregionwherea massivecolumnon eithersideof themid-linecanbefelt whenthe vertebralcolumnis...