Muscles of head/neck/body單詞卡 學習 測試 配對 點擊卡片即可翻轉 👆 Masseter 點擊卡片即可翻轉 👆 1 / 13 Joey_369 Top creator on Quizlet· 1年前建立 分享 探索生物學的奧妙 從細胞到生態系統,為生物學的重要主題獲取容易理解的說明與實例。按照自己的步調,學習少量且經過驗證的內容。學習生物學 ...
each rotates head to one side, together: flex the head/neck splenius capitis each rotates head to one side, together: extend the head/neck digastric elevates hyoid and depresses mandible stylohyoid elevates hyoid bone mylohyoid elevates hyoid and raises floor of mouth geniohyoid elevates hyoid...
F= rotates and elevates the shoulder. 你可能还喜欢... Lab 22- muscles of the head and neck 31个词语 nottyashley Muscles - #1: FACIAL MUSCLES 8个词语 anick_ackhavong Ch15 A+P lab 25个词语 ericaaa24 Facial Muscles 50个词语 taylor_tate_swartz 此创建者的其他学习集 special considerations...
O: manubrium and medial clavicle; I: mastoid process of temporal boneA: flexion of neck (both), rotate and draw head toward ipsilateral shoulder (alone) 點擊卡片即可翻轉 👆 Sternocleidomastoid 點擊卡片即可翻轉 👆 1 / 11 建立者 roxannaw02 2個月前建立 分享 探索生物學的奧妙 從細胞到生態系...
6 Types of Characterization 6個詞語 lexiewu1 預覽 muscles of the hip action 13個詞語 mariameyer98 預覽 Diabetes/Cholesterol (Top 200) 21個詞語 Ghadiel13 預覽 Callbacks 15個詞語 quizlette727743425 預覽 Muscles Acting on the Shoulder and Upper Limb 67個詞語 Jessica_Dennis604 預覽 Adrenergic Agonis...
Renal part 2 test ( combine with renal part 2 quiz) 37個詞語 marvelousmwilson1 預覽 Thoracic Muscles OINA 6個詞語 Connor_Smalley11 預覽 Quiz 14-HTHS 1111 50個詞語 JillynAubreeFisher 預覽 Muscles of the Neck and Spine 14個詞語 anander5 預覽 highlighted head, neck, and CN problem sets for...
Head/Neck Muscles Buccinator 點擊卡片即可翻轉 👆 D: deep to the masseter; deep to the risorius; main cheek muscle; horizontal muscle O: molar region of the maxilla and mandible I: orbicularis oris A: raises corners of mouth laterally (smile); compresses cheek for whistling & drinking with...
Muscles of Head and Neck 8個詞語 Haniah_Avila 預覽 Pharm AE 11個詞語 KyleLaz1 預覽 Axial Musculature - Origin, Insertion, & Action 82個詞語 TRA-SUA 預覽 NOIAH 13個詞語 Conor_Eby 預覽 Upper extremity II muscles 43個詞語 lizonade 預覽 Hypertensives (Sympatholytics) 17個詞語 Kirubel_Tekle...
insertion: transverse process of cervical vertebraeaction: coordinate the position of the head and neck during various body movements, such as standing up from a sitting position Thoracis origin: upper borders of angles of lower 6 ribsinsertion: upper borders of upper 6 ribsaction: depresses the ...
flexes and rotates neck, elevates ribs 1 and 2 origin/insertion of sternocleidomastoid origin: sternum and clavicleinsertion: mastoid process of temporal bone action of SCM abducts, rotates, and flexes head origin/insertion of sternohyoid origin: manubrium of sternuminsertion: hyoid bone action of...