extends wrist, abduction of wrist, weak flexion of forearm extensor carpi ulnaris origin lateral epicondyle and posterior shaft of ulna extensor carpi ulnaris insertion base of fifth metacarpal extensor carpi ulnaris action extension and adduction of wrist ...
function of the heart 9個詞語 anatomy test 2 bone anatomy 70個詞語 Chapter 10 structure and function of muscles 98個詞語 1.04 Remember the structures of the muscular system 14個詞語 Anatomy lab practical 2 slideshow cards 79個詞語 labeled image 5 ...
Forearm the part of the human upper limb from above the elbow to the hand. The radius and ulna are the skeletal foundation of the forearm and form the distal and proximal radioulnar articulation, which make possible rotational movements around the axis of the ulna. The bones of the forearm ...
Main muscles Head: Muscles of facial expression, muscles of mastication Neck: Suprahyoid and infrahyoid muscles, scalenes, platysma Trunk: Pectoral, intercostal, anterior abdominal, lateral abdominal, posterior trunk muscles Upper limb: Shoulder, arm, forearm, and hand muscles Lower limb: Gluteal, ...
quizonarmandhandmuscles 系统标签: armmusclespankeyquizhandprimal Illustrationsby PrimalInteractiveAnatomy ByRobertPankey TexasStateUniversity QuizonArmandHandMuscles Directions: Pleaseanswerthequestionsshowninthe followingslides.Whenyouhaveanswered incorrectly,youwillbetakenbacktothe previousslide.Ifyouanswercorrectly...
The biceps flex to lift the forearm while the triceps extend it. The quadriceps are major muscles on the anterior thigh to extend the lower leg to kick, while the hamstrings on the posterior thigh flex the knee to squat.Create an account to start this course today Try it risk-free for...
Quiz & Worksheet Goals You'll be quizzed on: An example of the vertical muscle of the tongue being used Characteristics of the intrinsic muscles of the tongue The number of intrinsic and extrinsic muscles of the tongue Skills Practiced
This article is a guide to help you master the anatomy of the forearm and the elbow joint, using the beautiful content of Kenhub.Key facts about the elbow and forearmTable quiz Forearm Bones: radius, ulna Joints: humeroradial, radioulnar joints (proximal, distal) Muscles: - Extensors: supe...
Insertion: base of the distal phalanx in thumbAction: flex thumbInnervation: median nerve Pronator quadratus Origin: distal 1/4 anterior surface of ulnaInsertion: anterior aspect of the distal 1/4 lateral border of radiusAction: pronate forearmInnervation: median nerve Common flexor tendon Flexor ...
1. Assists triceps in extending forearm2. stabilizes elbow joint3. abducts ulna during pronation Why must Anconeus abduct arm during pronation? To maintain position of the hand - as in turning a screwdriver 最好的學習方式。免費註冊。 註冊代表你接受Quizlet的服務條款和隱私政策 以Google帳戶繼續 關...