One of the largest muscles in the upper body, the pectoralis major links the front of the chest to the shoulder and upper arm. You engage these muscles anytime you do a pushing movement, such as pushing open a door or throwing a ball. However, your pecs are responsible whenever you ...
“These latter two muscle groups act as stabilizers as you keep your body in a straight line, while the arms, chest, and back assist in the up-down motion.” According to the National Academy of Sports Medicine, other muscles you’ll be training as you do a push-up include the ...
thew nounstrength Synonyms strength might force power weight stamina potency brawn sturdiness nounpower Synonyms power weight clout potency pull forcefulness phrasemuscle in Collins Thesaurus of the English Language – Complete and Unabridged 2nd Edition. 2002 © HarperCollins Publishers 1995, 2002 ...
Position — position compared to the midline of the body, "medialis" when central and "lateralis" when located on the periphery The main muscle groups of the arms, legs, chest, abdomen, and back will be detailed below. Arm Major Muscle Groups ...
Chest The muscles of the chest are typically called the pecs, short for pectorals. The two significant muscles of the chest are the pectoralis major and pectoralis minor. The pecs account for movement in the shoulder and shoulder blades, also called the scapulae. ...
Muscles of the Head & Neck | Anatomy, Motion & Support 7:56 5:58 Next Lesson Muscles of the Vertebral Column: Support & Movement Axial & Trunk Muscles | Overview & Anatomy 5:53 Shoulder Muscles | Anatomy, Functions & Movements 6:19 Arm Muscle Anatomy & Diagram 5:37 Forearm Mu...
Muscle, including skeletal and cardiac muscle in vertebrates, that is distinguished from smooth muscle by having transverse striations across the fibers. American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition. Copyright © 2016 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by...
The meaning of PECTORAL MUSCLE is any of the muscles which connect the ventral walls of the chest with the bones of the upper arm and shoulder and of which there are two on each side of the human body.
Trice,bicep,chestandshoulderexercises Daily workout reminder for better motivation Allarm strengthexercises are suitable for bothbeginnerandpro Customize your own workout 30 Day Arm Challenge If you want to build arm muscles and get strong arms but you don't have time to exercise or if you don...
Ch 7.Muscles of the Chest Ch 8.Muscles of the Abdomen Ch 9.Iliac Region Muscles Ch 10.Muscles of the Upper Arm Ch 11.Muscles of the Forearm Ch 12.Muscles of the Hand Ch 13.Muscles of the Back Ch 14.Muscles of the Pelvis