Review Principles of Muscle Mechanics Same principles apply to contraction of a single fiber and a whole muscle Contraction produces tension, the force exerted on the load or object to be moved 3. Contraction does not always shorten a muscle: Isometric contraction: no shortening; muscle tension in...
CO2, H2O Creatine Phosphate ensures ATP remains high – provides P to ADP O2 + cellular respiration allows filaments to be drawn together Energy > ATP – lactic acid accumulates causing pain and fatigue = Oxygen Debt fluid around muscle becomes acidic ...
Fat as fuel Triglycerides (storage form of fats) can be metabolized to generate ATP –For low intensity exercise –For exercise of long duration Ex: 10 hr. car-to-car approach + climb –Abundant energy source, even in lean people –Provides 2x more energy, per gram, as carbohydrate Resting...