Along with the external obliques, the internal obliques are involved in flexing the spinal column, sideways bending,trunk rotation, and compressing the abdomen.2 Because of their unique alignment (at right angles to each other), the internal and external obliques are referred to as opposite-side...
The muscles of the abdomen and thorax hold an awful lot of responsibility for our upright bipedal human nature. These muscles are responsible to help stabilize and move the body's trunk region and play a large role in maintaining posture. Intrinsic Muscles of the Back & Neck The intrinsic...
What are the muscles of the abdomen?Which of the muscles is involved in the pronation of the forearm? (a) Brachialis (b) Pronator quadratus (c) Biceps brachii (d) Supinator.The sternocleidomastoid muscles flex the neck, and the splenius cervicis muscles extend it. What is the relationship ...
Fill in the blank: The ___ is the largest lymphatic organ; it is located in upper left quadrant of abdomen, behind the stomach, beneath the diaphragm, deep to ribs 9, 10, and 11.Pharyngeal muscles propel materials int...
In mammals, the diaphragm (separating the thorax from the abdomen) and the external intercostal muscles (joining the ribs) are the main inspiratory muscles. However, in horses, the serratus ventralis, on the one hand, has the most important role in assisting the inspiratory effort of the di...
The left and right rectus abdominis muscles run parallel to each other, either side of thelinea alba, up the front of the abdomen from pelvis to thorax. The rectus abdominis muscles attach to: Pubic symphysis and pubic crest of the pelvis. ...
They also protect the contents of the abdomen against injury and help support the body. See appendix 3-4 and see color plates.Muscle fibers range in length from a few hundred thousandths of a centimeter to several centimeters. They also vary in shape, and in color from white to deep red....
The regions and quadrants of the abdomen (diagram) - Irina Münstermann, Abdulmalek Albakkar Ventral muscles of the trunk (overview) - Yousun Koh Internal oblique, external oblique, and transversus abdominis muscles (from left to right) - Yousun Koh Inguinal canal (overview) - Hannah Ely Abdo...
aAbdominal wall hematomas that occur in the upper abdomen are confined inside the rectus sheath; however, inferior to the arcuate line, hematoma is unconfined and can escape and dissect posteriorly into the extraperitoneal spaces. 在上部腹部发生的腹壁血肿被限制在rectus鞘里面; 然而,下等对弓形线,血...
Studies in obese normal subjects have suggested that Cw is decreased by adipose tissues encasing the chest and the abdomen.19, 20, 21, 22 A decrease in Cw would overload the respiratory muscles by increasing the respiratory effort to displace the chest wall in obese subjects. The low lung ...