A chest is a region at the front of the person's body that is located between the diaphragm and the neck. It protects the internal organs such as the lungs and the heart. It is made up of the breastbone and the ribs cage or the person's thorax....
The splenius capitis is a thick muscle that resembles a strap. It is located in the back of your neck. It begins at the base of your skull and ends at the top of your thoracic spine. This muscle allows for head extension, as well as lateral flexion and rotation of the cervical spine....
Although many muscles in head and neck are involved in mastication, the term Muscles of Mastication" is usually reserved for the four pairs of muscles (Masseter, Temporalis, Lateral and Medial Pterygoid) that are primarily responsible for moving the mandible during the communication and processing ...
The neck muscles, including the sternocleidomastoid and the trapezius, are responsible for the gross motor movement in the muscular system of the head and neck. They move the head in every direction, pulling the skull and jaw towards the shoulders, spine, and scapula. Working in pairs on the...
Lateral Flexion - Ear to Shoulder This exercise starts in the midline neutral position. It is possible to do it while lying flat on the back or sitting up straight. The goal of the exercise is to gently bend the neck in an attempt to touch the shoulder with the ear. When the stretch ...
Your trapezius, responsible for shoulder elevation, forms a triangle from the neck to the base of your shoulders. If you feel the lateral raise exercise in your neck, you may be using too much weight, which causes the trapezius to take over the movement. ...
resulting from the cephalad displacement of the ribs, and 2) that the fall in abdominal pressure, almost certainly by acting through the zone of apposition of the diaphragm to the rib cage, has a deflationary action on the lower rib cage, more markedly so on its lateral than its anterior ...
Other craniofacial muscles, especially those in the lower jaw and neck, arise from lateral splanchnic mesoderm, as does cardiac muscle. In the early postgastrulation period, the lateral splanchnic mesoderm (sometimes called the cardiocraniofacial morphogenetic field), associated with the future pharynx ...
Inferior Oblique - Action Up & In Digastric Depress mandible Sternohyoid Depress hyoid Sternothyroid Depress larynx Lateral + Medial Pterygoid chewing Genioglossus tongue out & side Styloglossus tongue up & back Hypoglossus depress tongue Muscles of closed mouth temporalis, medial pterygoid, masseter...
tenses skin of neck, and depresses lower lip mastication = chewing masseter elevates and protracts mandible temporalis elevates and retracts mandible medial pterygoid elevates and protracts mandible, and moves mandible side to side lateral pterygoid same as medial pterygoid muscle cell: smallest subun...