Elastic properties of muscles measured at the elbow in man: I Normal controls. J Neurol Neurolsurg Psychiatry 1986;49:1171±6.A. W. Wiegner and R. L. Watts, "Elastic properties of muscles measured at the elbow in man--I: Normal controls," J. Neurol. Neurosurg. Psych., vol. 49, no...
at the elbow, but it is also able to supinate the forearm and turn the palm of the hand anteriorly. Although it is found mostly in the forearm, the brachioradialis is the third flexor muscle of the elbow, running from the distal end of the humerus to the distal end of the radius....
Serial cross-sectional anatomy analysis was used to obtain the centroid and thus the moment arms of each of the muscles along the upper arm and at the elbow joint. Muscle volume and true fiber length at the resting position were also measured. From these data, the physiological cross-...
elbow your wa... force your wa... butt in encroach impose yourself muscle in forcefulness pull potency clout weight power power sturdiness brawn potency stamina weight power strength thew muscle tissue sinew tendon tendon muscle all noun
Lifting a bag of groceries or pumping hand weights rely on the major muscle groups in the arm to flex and extend at the elbow. The superficial muscles of the upper arm include the biceps and the triceps. The smaller adjacent and deep muscles work in conjunction with the triceps and biceps...
elbow your wa...force your wa...butt inencroachimpose yourselfmuscle inforcefulnesspullpotencycloutweightpowerpowersturdinessbrawnpotencystaminaweightpowerstrengththewmuscle tissuesinewtendontendonmuscle all noun verb phrase Synonyms for muscle Collins Roget's WordNet nountendon Synonyms tendon sinew muscle...
(extensor) that move the forearm at the elbow. The means by which all types of muscles contract is thought to be generally the same, although muscles are classified as phasic, or fast twitch, and tonic, or slow twitch, to differentiate between the various lengths of time a muscle may ...
There are two main extrinsic muscles that flex or bend the fingers into the hand, as if making a fist. The flexor digitorum superficialis (FDS) begins at the elbow, and has tendons that insert on all fingers except for the thumb. Activation of the FDS flexes the fingers at the first tw...
During elbow flexion, the antagonist activation of BB averaged 16.2% lower than TB, and this difference was statistically significant at all angular velocities. The normalized RMS values ranged from 26.0% ± 19.0 at MVC to 37.8% ± 13.9 at 240°.s−1 for antagonist TB activation, and from...
Identify the action that occurs at the elbow joint when lifting a weight during a bicep curl. What are the two primary muscles responsible for this action? What muscle pronates the forearm? What is the action of the extensor hallucis longus?