Sectional measurements of shoulder muscle volume and computed tomography density in anterior shoulder instability Keita Nagawa ,Yuki Hara &Mamoru Niitsu Article 10 November 2024|Open Access Is strength and power training targeting hip and knee muscles superior to strength training in individuals with pate...
View chapter Chapter The use of local muscle flaps in foot and ankle reconstruction Book2012,Lower Extremity Soft Tissue & Cutaneous Plastic Surgery (Second Edition) Christopher E.Attinger, ...CharlesZelen Explore book Tibialis anterior muscle flap ...
2). Contraction of the normal muscle surrounding the atrophic scar tissue may even clinically mimic a mass.10,11 Sign in to download hi-res image Fig. 2. Rectus femoris chronic central myotendinous tear. A 14-year-old female with a history of a focal depression in the anterior mid-right...
Ultrasound imaging for measuring muscle and subcutaneous fat tissue thickness of the anterior thigh: a 2 year longitudinal study in middle agedoi:10.1002/crt2.7Cohort studyMuscle thicknessRectus femorisUltrasound imagingSubcutaneous fat thicknessVastus intermediusFilippo Mechelli...
In contrast, C57BL/6 mice display very minor, if any, tissue loss, despite experiencing a similar 80–90% reduction in limb blood flow after HLI (Fig. 2B). Consistent with previous results [13], the ischemic tibialis anterior (TA) muscle of C57BL/6 mice exhibited a potent muscle ...
Introduction Adult stem cells often exist in a quiescent state and only re-enter the cell cycle to maintain tissue homeostasis or in response to tissue damage1. Skeletal muscle homeostasis during muscle regeneration and physiological aging tightly relies on resident muscle stem cells, which are also...
The same side of each electrocyte is innervated, either the posterior face if the current flows from the head to the tail, or the anterior if it flows in the opposite direction. Stimulation by the nerve causes an inrush of sodium ions on one side so that the interior of one side of ...
View chapterExplore book The Cardiovascular System Colin C. Schwarzwald, ... William W. Muir, in Equine Anesthesia (Second Edition), 2009 Ultrastructural Anatomy The majority of cardiac tissue is made up of striated muscle cells (cardiomyocytes) that are responsible for the contractile function of ...
dead cells are often replaced by patches of scar tissue. Autopsies performed on individuals who had successfully received heart transplants show some proliferation of original cells. If researchers can unlock the mechanism that generates new cells and restore full mitotic capabilities to heart muscle, ...
Cell and tissue staining Tibialis anterior (TA) muscle sections were prepared for staining essentially as previously described6,48. For OSMR staining, whole TA muscles were first fixed with 0.5% paraformaldehyde/PBS for 2 h at 4 C, followed by incubation in 20% sucrose/PBS overnight at ...