The muscle fat ratio (MFR) was significantly lower in the chronic pain group than in the control group. When the MFR threshold related to chronic pain was calculated by sex, it was 2.984 for men and 1.867 for women. Conclusions: Evaluation of the body composition of ...
1.a tissue composed of elongated cells, the contraction of which produces movement in the body. 2.a specific bundle of such tissue. 3.muscular strength; brawn. 4.power or force, esp. of a coercive nature:They put muscle into their policy and sent the marines. ...
Correlation between muscle strength and muscle mass, and their association with walking speed, in community-dwelling elderly. PLoS One. 2014;9:e111810. Article PubMed PubMed Central Google Scholar Schroer WC, et al. Isokinetic strength testing of minimally invasive total knee arthroplasty recovery...
et al. Pressure pain threshold of the cervico-facial muscles in healthy elderly people: The role of gender, age and dominance. Gerodontology 32, 274–280. (2015). Article PubMed MATH Google Scholar Cairns, B. E., Hu, J. W., Arendt-Nielsen, L., ...
Synonyms for thigh muscles in Free Thesaurus. Antonyms for thigh muscles. 48 synonyms for muscle: tendon, sinew, muscle tissue, thew, strength, might, force, power, weight, stamina, potency, brawn, sturdiness, power, weight, clout... What are synonyms f
Correction to: Muscle loss in elderly patients - prevention effects of a multimodal therapy program for low back pain "In this work results of a study already published in "Physikalische Medizin, Rehabilitationsmedizin, Kurortmedizin" (29 (04), 199-205) have been incorpora......
Peak torque and rate of torque development in elderly with and without fall history. Clin Biomech Elsevier Ltd. 2010;25(5):450–4. Google Scholar Perry MC, Carville SF, Smith IC, Rutherford OM, Newham DJ. Strength, power output and symmetry of leg muscles: effect of age and history of...
Recent studies have indicated that vitamin D (a vitamin required for the normal absorption of calcium from food) deficiency is common in some elderly individuals. Consequently, vitamin D replacement is important for these people, with careful management to avoid excessive vitamin D levels, as these...
Peak torque and rate of torque development in elderly with and without fall history. Clin Biomech Elsevier Ltd. 2010;25(5):450–4. Article Google Scholar Perry MC, Carville SF, Smith IC, Rutherford OM, Newham DJ. Strength, power output and symmetry of leg muscles: effect of age and ...
such that it is a common complaint of those of us who are middle-aged or older. Indeed, as changing population demographics in “west- nized” countries result in higher proportions of the population living longer and bei...