are closed sacs of fibrous tissue lined with synovial membrane, filled with viscid fluid, and situated in places in tissue where friction would otherwise inhibit function, such as near joints. Most disorders of bursae are part of another disease process. bursitis: inflammation of a bursa at site...
The hip abductors provide near-isometric contraction to prevent the hip from adducting under the weight of the body during single support of gait. Although the muscle belly attempts to not change its fibre lengths within the frontal plane, the connective tissues of the muscles including tendon ...
Impact response and biomechanical analysis of the knee-thigh- hip complex in frontal impacts with a full human body finite element model. Stapp Car Crash J. 2008;52:505–26. 33. Yue N, Shin J, Untaroiu CD. Development and validation of an occupant lower limb finite element model. SAE...
van den Brand JG, Nelson T, Verleisdonk EJ, et al. The diagnostic value of intracompartmental pressure measurement, magnetic resonance imaging, and near-infrared spectroscopy in chronic exertional compartment syndrome: a prospective study in 50 patients. Am J Sports Med 2005;33:699–704. PubMed...
muscles can lead to inflammation, pain, and swelling of the tendon, known astendonitis. The symptoms of hamstrings or quadriceps tendonitis make it difficult to walk or climb the stairs. It also weakens the muscles in the upper thigh and can cause pain in the thigh near the knee or hip. ...
Bridge pose stretches and strengthens your hamstrings, quadriceps, hip flexors, gluteal muscles, and lower back. To do a bridge pose: Lie down on your back on the floor. Plant your feet firmly on the floor with your knees bent. Rest your palms flat on the floor near your hips. ...
Next, I wondered, where does this sizeable bone reside in these long-necked creatures, under the chin or near the ribs? I stumbled on this image of an extinct New Zealand swan, which reveals the answer. I also discovered that far beyond the iconic shape of chickens’ and turkeys’ wishbon...
39-42The tendon in this location may demonstrate a zone of relative hypovascularity near its insertion that may predispose it to tendinosis and rupture in this area. Aprodromeof pain and swelling along the medial arch variably precedes rupture. Pain and tenderness at the insertion of the ...
Many of the short external rotators of the hip attach near or on the trochanteric fossa. More distally is the linea aspera (from Latin, meaning “rough line”), a line of slightly raised bone that courses along much of the posterior side of the femur. This bony ridge serves as the ...
The strong, triangular, and flat bone, that joins the humerus with the clavicle is termed the scapula. It is also called the shoulder blade. The back side of the shoulder girdle is formed by the scapula. It helps in connecting various groups of muscles....