Lower Back Anatomy Middle/Upper Back Anatomy Trapezius Anatomy Biceps Anatomy Calves Anatomy Chest Anatomy Forearms Anatomy Leg, Hip & Gluteal Anatomy Gluteal Muscles Hamstring Muscles Hip Adductors Hip Flexors (Iliopsoas) Quadriceps Muscles Neck Anatomy Triceps Anatomy Shoulder Anatomy (Deltoids & Rotato...
There are over 600 muscles in the human body. Learning the muscular system often involves memorizing details about each muscle, like where a muscle attaches to bones and how a muscle helps move a joint. In textbooks and lectures these details about muscles are described using specialized vocabular...
©decade3d – anatomy online/Shutterstock.com The longest muscle in the body is called the sartorius. The sartorius muscle is a long, thin muscle that runs down the thigh and crosses to the inside of the knee. This muscle can measure as much as 300mm, and its function is to aid with...
The sartorius muscle is the longest muscle in the entire human body. It is a long, thin, band-like muscle found in the anterior region of the thigh. The sartorius functions as an important flexor and rotator of the thigh at the hip joint. ...
1.1.1Anatomy of the hip The term ‘acetabulum’ comes from the Latin rootacetum(vinegar) and the suffix -abulum(a small cup)—a nod to an item of Roman tableware. The structure is formed at the point of fusion of three bony components: the ilium,ischium, and pubis. The orientation of...
Extension of the leg at the knee joint; flexion of the hip Vastus lateralis Originates on the greater trochanter and upper lateral surface of the linea aspera; inserts on the patella via the quadriceps tendon, and the tibial tuberosity via the patellar ligament Extension of the leg at the...
The basic function of the quadriceps muscle is to extend and straighten the leg. The upper thigh muscles are the largest and most powerful muscles in the human body. With all things considered, your leg mass make up about 50% of your body mass - you just cannot afford to avoid leg train...
human anatomy bio topic 1 49個詞語 julianneteodoro498預覽 這個學習集的練習題 學習 1 / 7 用學習模式學習 raising eyebrows, furrowing eyebrows. 選擇正確的詞語 1 Epicranius: Frontalis/Occipitalis 2 Frontalis (aponeurosis NOT fixed) 3 Abductor pollicis longus 4 Flexor hallicis longus 不知道嗎? 本學...
the ratio of a muscle’s mass to the area of its cross-section taken at the plane perpendicular to the fibers. Absolute strength is expressed in kilograms per centimeter squared (kg/cm2). For example, the absolute strength of the human biceps is 11.4 kg/cm2, and that of the gastrocnemiu...
thigh- the part of the leg between the hip and the knee biceps- any skeletal muscle having two origins (but especially the muscle that flexes the forearm) Based on WordNet 3.0, Farlex clipart collection. © 2003-2012 Princeton University, Farlex Inc. ...