Twitter Google Share on Facebook muscle fiber (redirected fromMuscle fibers) Thesaurus Medical Encyclopedia Related to Muscle fibers:muscle contraction,fast twitch muscle fibers muscle fiber n. A muscle cell, especially one of the cylindrical, multinucleate cells that make up skeletal muscles and are...
Type IIa fibers are also known as intermediate muscle fibers. These fast-twitch muscles can be used longer since their time to fatigue is longer.1Type IIa fibers are also used more for certain types of exercises. For example, you may engage them more during sprints or powerlifting sessions.2...
Chimeric RNA molecules, also known as fusion transcripts, are composed of exons from two genes located at different genomic loci18,19. In the human genome, at least 4–5% of tandem genes are occasionally transcribed into chimeric proteins, suggesting that chimeric RNAs production is a common even...
Adjacent fibers are bundled together in a fasciculus and surrounded by the perimysium, and fasciculi are grouped together to form the complete muscle and are surrounded by epimysium (Fig. 1.5).146 Each muscle fiber is composed of thousands of myofibrils, and the subunits are known as ...
Skeletal muscle is made up of multi-nucleated muscle fibers, which are formed by the fusion of myoblasts during embryonic and fetal development1. During postnatal myogenesis, muscle stem cells, also known as satellite cells are activated upon myo-trauma, exercise, or stress to form myoblasts, ...
(the combined trunk is known as thelumbosacral trunkor furcal nerve), and the two plexuses are commonly known as thelumbosacral plexus; the fourth lumbar nerve is then the one ventral ramus common to both plexuses. Moreover, the branches of the first lumbar nerve also are usually described ...
Myostatin (Mstn, also known as growth differentiation factor 8), is a member of the transforming growth factor β (TGF-b) signaling protein superfamily and a key regulator of muscle mass in vertebrates. Its expression inhibits the proliferation and differentiation of muscle cells. Myostatin signaling...
As fibers become innervated, other myHC isoforms, including type I, are expressed. Differentiation of skeletal muscle, including the determination of fiber type (see later), is therefore largely determined by the characteristics of the innervating neuron, although locally acting myogenic factors also ...
Muscle satellite cells, also known as muscle stem cells, reside as quiescent cells beneath the basal lamina that surrounds muscle fibers, and function as myogenic precursors for muscle growth and repair1,2. Quiescent muscle satellite cells arePAX7+/MYF5−, when exposed to stress or damage, they...
An over-representation analysis, also known as gene-set analysis, was performed to gain more insight into the functional roles of these genes with persistent DNA methylation changes, and further characterize the biological processes and molecular mechanisms that could be disturbed by maternal methionine...