Skeletal Muscle, Function, and Muscle Fiber Typesdoi:10.1016/B978-0-12-815137-2.00002-4Radák, ZsoltThe Physiology of Physical Training
To explain thepotential cause of differences in skeletal muscle performance and fiber-type composition, we also present thedifferential effects of increases and decreases in levels of thyroid hormone, estrogen, and testosterone.Althoughthyroid hormone induces a conversion from slow to fast fibersandincreas...
These neutral influences have been cited as significant factors in fiber differentiation during fetal development.doi:10.1300/J006v01n03_05SlatonDarleneTaylor & FrancisPhysical & Occupational Therapy in PediatricsSlaton, D. (1981) Muscle fiber types and their development in human fetus, Phys. Occup....
Hundreds of genes, including muscle creatine kinase (MCK), are differentially expressed in fast- and slow-twitch muscle fibers, but the fiber type-specific regulatory mechanisms are not well understood. Modulatory region 1 (MR1) is a 1-kb regulatory regi
Comparative aspects of muscle fibre types in fetuses of the normal and "double muscled" cattle Muscles from normal and 'double muscled' fetuses were examined. Muscles of 'double muscled' fetuses were larger in absolute weight, as a percentage of body... CR Ashmore,W Parker,H Stokes,... -...
There is a remarkable matching of metabolic support systems to contractile properties and, in turn, appropriate vascular supply for the metabolic systems of each of the three muscle fiber types. The contractile, metabolic, and vascular characteristics of each fiber type are consistent with known ...
muscle fiber (redirected fromMuscle fibers) Thesaurus Medical Encyclopedia Related to Muscle fibers:muscle contraction,fast twitch muscle fibers muscle fiber n. A muscle cell, especially one of the cylindrical, multinucleate cells that make up skeletal muscles and are composed of numerous myofibrils tha...
The categorization of distinct groups of muscle fibers that can be delineated on the basis on differences in histochemical, biochemical, morphological, and physiological properties. There are three basic muscle fiber types, Type I, or slow twitch fibers which are aerobic and are considered our ...
W. and Laughlin, M. H. (1993). Comparison of muscle cell fiber types and oxidative capacity in gracilis, rectus femoris, and triceps brachii muscles in the ferret (Mustela putorius furo) and the domestic dog (Canis familiaris). Anat. Rec. 236, 611-618....
During exercise, acetylcarnitine accumulation occurred in both muscle fiber types, but accumulation was greatest in type I fibers (P < 0.005). Correspondingly, the concentration of free carnitine was significantly lower in type I fibers at the end of exercise (P < 0.001). The sum of free ...